Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology Catalog: 1979-1980

WILLIAM M. McQUEEN, JR. Associate Professor of Psychology

B.S., University of South Carolina; M.A . , University of South Carolina; Ph.D., Univer­ sity of South Carolina. Licensed Psycholo­ gist. Areas of Specialization: Child/clinical psychology; School Psychology; Behavior Therapy.

S. BRUCE NARRAMORE Professor of Psychology

B.A., Westmont College; M.A., Pepperdine University; Ph.D . , University of Kentucky. Licensed Psychologist. Areas of Specializa­ tion: Psychopathology; Psychotherapy; Inte­ gration of Theological and Psychological Conceptions of Personality Functioning.

MARTHA L. ROGERS Assistant Professor of Psychology

B.A., University of North Carolina at Greensboro; M.A., University of Wyoming; Ph.D., University of Wyoming. Licensed Psychologist. Areas of Specialization: Clini­ cal Psychology; Community and Systems Oriented Intervention; Psychology of Wom­ en.

GARY H. STRAUSS Associate Professor of Psychology

B.Ed., Fresno State College; M.Ed., Uni­ versity of Northern Iowa; Ed.D., Northern Illinois University. Licensed Psychologist. Areas of Specialization: Counseling; Voca­ tional Development; Practicum Supervision.


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