Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology Catalog: 1979-1980

ACADEMIC AND CLINICAL CONSULTANTS Rosemead utilizes the services of a number of persons from the larger professional community in various aspects of its academic and clinical pro­ grams. Whether as part-time faculty or as consultants, this roster is multidiscip­ linary with many representing clinical areas and affiliations with other insitu­ tions, agencies, or hospitals as well as private practice. Academic clinical consultants do not serve as advisors to Rosemead students or as chairpersons of dissertation committees. The following professional persons are either cur­ rently or have been recently involved in some aspect of Rosemead's academic or clinical programs: Jack A. Aton, M.D., University of California at San Francisco

Psychophysiological Processes, Neurophysiology Ollie L. Backus, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin Individual Psychotherapy

David W. Cabush, Ph.D., Michigan State University Individual Psychotherapy; Staff and Intern Supervision. Wayne E. Colwell, Ph.D., Arizona State University Individual Psychotherapy Lester C. Eddington, M.A., University of North Dakota Biological Science William C. Edkins, Psy.D., Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psy­ chology Personality Theory Arthur C. Graesser, Ph.D., University of California at San Diego Cognitive Psychology; Memory; Perception; Cognitive Representation Judith L. Jensen, Psy.D., Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychol­ ogy Physiological Psychology Vern Lewis, Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School Individual Psychotherapy Albert Chih-Shion Lin, Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo Biological Science; Pharmacology Robert Morosco, Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary Systematic Theology James A. Oakland, Ph.D., University of Washington Individual Psychotherapy Paul L. Poelstra, Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School Statistics; Psychological Research Robert J. Postman, Ph.D., California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles Neuropsychology; Clinical Hypnosis Arthur L. Prescott, Ph.D., University of Southern California School Psychology; Clinical Supervision


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