Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology Catalog: 1979-1980


An introduction to the use of projective techniques in personality assessment with special emphasis on the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the Rorschach using Exner's Comprehensive System. Prerequisites: PSY 541, PSY 542. (Required for Psy.D.) PSY 544 MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT IV (3) Advanced interpretation of the Rorschach including special issues such as forensic evaluations, child and adolescent personality assessment, assessment of thought disorder. Other basic projective instruments such as the TAT, CAT, and Sentence Completion tests are also covered. Prerequisite: PSY 543. (Elective.) PSY 545 MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT V (1 or 2) The writing of psychological evaluations with an emphasis on the integration of material derived from test batteries and other case material. Students should have some familiarity with projective techniques. (Elective.) PSY 551 PERSONALITY I (3) This course covers the humanistic-existential viewpoint on personality, includ­ ing such theorists as Allport, Boss, Frankl, Gendlin, Laing, Maslow, May, Rogers, and Van Kaam. (Required.) Listed as PSY 504, Spring 1980. PSY 552 PERSONALITY II (3) A consideration of the dynamic or analytic perspective on personality, includ­ ing such theorists as Adler, Guntrip, Freud, Horney, Jung, and Sullivan. (Required.) Listed as PSY 505, Fall 1979. PSY 553 PERSONALITY III (3) The course covers behavioral approaches to personality and psychopathology, including stimulus-response and social learning theories, the development of personality , and the learned nature of psychopathology . Considers such theorists as Miller and Dollard, Wolpe, Skinner, and others. (Elective.)


Covers the logic of comparative experimentation and causal inference. Em­ phasis is placed on problem definition, hypothesis formation, and design for drawing inference. Major emphasis is given to the concepts of partitioning variance and experimental and statistical control of variance. Analysis of variance models useful in clinical research will be emphasized. Consideration is given to the contribution of the research process to the integration of psychology and theology. Prerequisite: PSY 502. (Required, Psy.D. and Ph.D.)


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