Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology Catalog: 1979-1980


A study of the ethics of professional psychology and relationships to other professional individuals and organizations. Special attention is given to the American Psychological Association's Code of Ethics. (Elective.) PSY 712 INDEPENDENT STUDY (l-3) Individual work, directed reading, or special problems in psychology. Such work must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. The student is expected to submit a detailed course proposal and bibliography on a Learning Contract form available from the Registrar's Office. Required courses may not be taken through independent study. PSY 715 TRAINING THERAPY (GROUP) (0) For official indication on the student's transcript of required personal growth experience through group training therapy. (Required for all students.) PSY 716 TRAINING THERAPY (INDIVIDUAL) (0) For official indication on the student's transcript of required personal growth experience through an individual training therapy. (Required for doctoral

students.) PSY 721 DISSERTATION RESEARCH (1-18)

Planning and implementation of a research project including literature review, problem definition, hypothesis formation , design, and implementation of field research, data analysis, and report writing. The student's dissertation research is supervised by a faculty chairman and committee. The final stage requires the student to successfully sustain an Oral Defense of the dissertation. (Required for all doctoral programs.) PSY 731 INTERNSHIP IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY (0) Professional experience of not less than 1500 hours in an internship facility approved by the Professional Training Committee . Prerequisites: Successful completion of comprehensive examinations, course requirements, professional qualifying examination (Psy.D.) or professional interview (Ph.D .), and approval of a dissertation proposal. (Required for all doctoral programs.)


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