A survey of the research literature on religious behavior. Representative empirical studies dealing with several dimensions and correlates of religious behavior will be examined. May also be taken for psychology credit as PSY 611. (Elective.) PTI 733 ATTITUDES, VALUES, AND BELIEFS (2) The psychological nature of attitudes , values , and beliefs as they relate to socialization, conformity, belief systems, and social influence. Special em phasis is given to values in therapy, and the therapist as values purveyor. (Elective.) PTI 734 THE CHURCH AS A SOCIAL SYSTEM (2) A study of biblical conceptualizations of the nature of the church community with integration of ecological and systems models. (Elective.) Clinical/Applied PTI 741 GUILT, CONSCIENCE, AND SOCIALIZATION (2) A discussion of guilt and conscience, including both biblical and psychological theories on the origins of guilt and conscience and the expressions of these theories in therapy. (Elective.) PTI 742 ANGER, AGGRESSION, AND HOSTILITY (2) A consideration of anger and related emotions and behaviors, including the catharsis hypotheses and aggression in fantasy . (Elective.) PTI 743 THEOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PRACTICE OF PSYCHOTHERAPY (2) A study of various viewpoints on the utilization of theological concepts in psychotherapeutic practice . Attention is given to specific therapeutic interven tions consistent with a theological view of man. (Elective.) PTI 744 INTEGRATION AND THERAPY (2) The focus of this seminar is on "explicit integration'' in psychotherapy. The distinctives of the Christian therapist and his therapeutic conceptualizations and interventions will be examined. (Elective .) PTI 745 MATURITY: PSYCHOLOGICAL AND THEOLOGICAL PERSPEC TIVES (2) Various approaches to the concept of maturity are reviewed, including the psychological, biblical, and devotional. A major focus is placed on the similarities and differences between biblical and psychological maturity as
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