Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology Catalog: 1979-1980

JOHN TILGHMAN HOWER, Ph.D. (1977) B. A., Wheaton College (1970); M.A., Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology (1974) Dissertation: 'The Effects of Parent-Child Relationships on the Development of Moral Character." JUDITH LYN JENSEN, Psy.D. (1979) Diploma , University of Southern California Medical Center (1971); B.S ., California State University at Los Angeles (1971); M.S., Loma Linda University (1973); M.A., Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology (1977). Dissertation: "TheRelationship ofLeadership Techniques and Anxiety Level in Group Therapy with Chronic Schizophrenics." MARTHA LEE KARAM , Ph.D. (1975) B. A., Bridgewater College (1970); M.A., Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology (1972). Dissertation: "The Relationship Between Sex-Role Behaviors and Dimensions of Per­ sonality Adjustment and Self-Esteem." JAY SAGONA LINDSAY, Ph.D. (1978) B.A., Tusculum College (1970); M.A., Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology (1975). Dissertation: "God-Concepats a Function ofPsychopathology in Religious Subjects." PAUL GORDON LINGREN, Ph.D. (1978) B.S ., (1966) , M.A. (1971), California State University at Los Angeles; M.A., Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology (1976). Dissertation: "Personality and Self Concept Variables in Adolescent Religious Conver­ sion Experiences." ALAN ROBERT McTHOMAS , Ph .D. (1976) B.S. (1962), M.Ed. (1963), Certificate in Advanced Studies (1964), Springfield College; M.A., Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology (1972). Dissertation: "The Relationship ofParental Acceptance and Control to Self-Esteem as a Function of Age and Sex of Child." DAVID ROBERT MacRAE, Ph.D . (1977) B.A ., Taylor University (1972) ; M.A ., Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology (1974) . Dissertation: "The Relationship ofPsychological Needs to God Concept and Religious Perceptions." LAURA ANNE MATHIS , Ph.D . (1977) B.A., Westmont College (1971); M.A., Southern Methodist University (1972); M.A., Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology (1974). Dissertation: "Marital Satisfaction as a Function ofCongruence on Holland's Types in Seminary Couples." ROBERT LEROY MORGAN, JR., Ph .D. (1978) B.A., Wheaton College (1973); M.A., Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology (1975) . Dissertation: "Interpersonal Perceptions of Self, Parents, and ofGod Among Normals and Psychiatric Patients." KENNETH WARREN NICHOLS, Psy.D. (1979) B.A., Cedarville College (1968); M.S. , Wright State University (1971); M.A., Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology (1976). Dissertation: "A Review ofPsychological and Biblical Life Purpose Concepts as a Basis for a Christian Theory and Integration Model." HARVEY CURTIS NICHOLSON, III, Ph.D . (1979) B.A., Asbury College (1973); M.A. , Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology (1975) . Dissertation: "A Comparison of Four Methods ofAssessing Similarity ofGod Concept to Parental Images." LAWRENCE EDWARD NIELSEN, Ph.D. (1974) B.R.E., Baptist Bible College (1956); M.S., Syracuse University (1958); M.A., Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology (1972). Dissertation: "Defensive Repressions in Emphatic Impairment."


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