GARN® GN1000 | WHS Cut Sheet

Cutsheet: GARN® GN1000 WHS (JUNIOR) EMISSIONS: Particulate emissions and heatingeffi c iency Conforms to: ASTM E2618-2009 emission ratings are based on burning seasoned cord- wood fuel only. Failure to operate this Important: this appliance’s appliance as directed may result in violation of air quality regulations and subject the operator to enforcement actions including fines and/or removal orders. Particulate Emissions Rates:


0.19 lb/mmbtu output 0.15 lb/mmbtu input 3.69 g/hr (year round) 4.77 g/hr (heating season)

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WATER TREATMENT AND CHEMISTRY: Because the GARN ® WHS has a large thermal storage volume, the quality and chemical treatment of the water used is the most essential element to ensure the equipment’s longevity and efficient operation. A water treatment program is included with the purchase of a GARN ® WHS. The water treatment program includes the following at NO COST: 1. The initial chemical required to test and treat the fill water. 2. Routine (semi-annual) analysis of the tank water. There are three main components to water treatment program: • Sample: using the included water bottle, sample the fill water (if initially filling the unit) or the water from the tank. • Test and Analyze: the sample is sent out for analysis. A report from the lab is returned which details the outcome of the lab analysis. • Treat: Based on results of the lab analysis add or maintain chemical as needed. Fill water must be analyzed before the unit is initially fi l led and a water sample must also be taken twice per year (every 6 months). For more information, consult the GARN ® WHS Owner’s Manual, available online at INSULATION: The GARN ® WHS must be insulated on site. Non- combustible materials must be used in the construction of the insulation enclosure. The following types of insulation may be used: Vermiculite or perlite, dense-pack blown in non- binder fiberglass or rock wool, unfaced glass fiber batts, unfaced rock wool batts. CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES: All GARN® WHS equipment must be placed in a sheltered, enclosed space (heated or unheated). Clearance to combustibles must be no less than 2” from the sides and back and 60” in front.

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WARRANTY: The GARN ® WHS comes with a 5 year warranty. For specifics related to the warranty, consult the GARN ® WHS Owner’s Manual, available online at

HY-C® Company, LLC 10950 Linpage Place St. Louis, MO 63132 800-875-4788

© 2016 HY-C® Company , L L C

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