GARN® GN1000 | Emissions Report

Report No. 102092693MID-008a Client: Dectra Corporation

Report Revised Date: March 31, 2016

Page 12 of 13

Model: WHS1000


LEAK CHECK PROCEDURES Before and after each test, each sample train is tested for leaks. Leakage rates are measured and must not exceed 0.02 CFM or 4% of the sampling rate. Leak checks are performed checking the entire sampling train, not just the dry gas meters. Pre-test and post-test leak checks are conducted with a vacuum of 10 inches of mercury. Vacuum is monitored during each test and the highest vacuum reached is then used for the post test vacuum value. If leakage limits are not met, the test run is rejected. During, these tests the vacuum was typically less than 2 inches of mercury. Thus, leakage rates reported are expected to be much higher than actual leakage during the tests. VI.B.(2). TUNNEL VELOCITY/FLOW MEASUREMENT The tunnel velocity is calculated from a center point Pitot tube signal multiplied by an adjustment factor. This factor is determined by a traverse of the tunnel as prescribed in EPA Method 1. Final tunnel velocities and flow rates are calculated from EPA Method 2, Equation 6.9 and 6.10. (Tunnel cross sectional area is the average from both lines of traverse.) Pitot tubes are cleaned before each test and leak checks are conducted after each test. VI.B.(3). PM SAMPLING PROPORTIONALITY (5G-3) Proportionality was calculated in accordance with EPA Method 5G-3. The data and results are included in Appendix C. VII RESULTS AND OBSERVATIONS This test demonstrates that model WHS1000 is an affected facility under the definition given in the regulation. The emission rate of 0.262 lbs/million Btu of output does meet the EPA requirements for the Step 1 limits for the 2015 regulation. The model WHS1000 has been found to be in compliance with the applicable performance and construction requirements of the following criteria: “ Appendix A1 Modified test method for wood-fired hydronic appliances that utilize full thermal storage of ASTM E2618-13 Measurement of particulate emissions and heating efficiency of outdoor solid fuel-fired hydronic heating appliances ” and EPA 40 CFR Part 60 “Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood Heaters, New Residential Hydronic Heaters and Forced-Air Furnaces”, March 16, 2015. The model WHS1000 was the model tested, which is configured with a horizontal flue located at the top back of the unit.

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