Jr. High Course Catalog 2024-25- DRAFT 1/23/24.docx

think critically to creatively solve problems and become positive agents of change to improve the school, community or world. Introduction to Business and Marketing #388930 This one-semester course is designed to introduce students to career pathways offered at the high school level. Emphasis is placed on understanding business administration and marketing concepts, the role of information technology in business, principles of finance, functions of the hospitality and tourism industry, supply chain and logistics, and principles of entrepreneurship and leadership. Students will have an opportunity to participate in Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). Exploring Business Applications #399040 Exploring Business Applications is a one-semester course with emphasis given to computer concepts and operations, programming and design, computer software and the implications of technology in society and ethics. This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the fundamental uses for computer applications and technology in business and careers. Students will have an opportunity to participate in the activities of Future Business Leaders of America. Introduction to Culinary Careers #39908A (WJHS only) Introduction to Culinary Careers is a one semester course that provides a hands-on environment where students are encouraged to have an adventurous tasting experience. Students engage in numerous cooking labs, practice knife-cuts, learn baking measurements and work collaboratively within groups of fellow student-chefs. Leadership and Service Learning (0.5 High School Credit) #493160 Leadership and Service Learning is a one-semester course which emphasizes the importance of leadership skills, volunteerism and professionalism in the development of personal qualities. It focuses on the benefits of community service, leadership roles and civic responsibilities. Current technology is used to enhance communication skills and promote professionalism. Students will have an opportunity to participate in Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. Leadership and Service Learning is a high school credit course. The grade will be calculated into the student’s high school GPA and will be included on the student’s high school transcript. Exploring Personal Finance #399260 Exploring Personal Finance is designed to introduce students to the knowledge and skills required for managing theirpersonalandfamilyfinancialresources. Studentslearntomanageresourcesthroughhands-onapplications that are relevant to their lives. Projections will require students to use academic skills in language arts, math, socialsciences,andscience. Emphasisisgiventothedevelopmentofcompetenciesrelatedtovalues,needsand wants, goals and decision-making, career exploration, understanding paychecks, budgeting, saving, electronic banking, credit, and managing accounts. Students will have an opportunity to participate in the activities of Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). Family & Consumer Science Investigation #399080 Family & Consumer Science Investigation is a one semester course that emphasizes introductory competencies related to personal development, communication, relationships, home environment, nutrition and wellness, food safety and preparation, resource management, child development and clothing. Students will have an opportunity to participate in the activities of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. Upon completion of this course, students will gain skills to l enable them to function more effectively as a family member, community leader and productive citizen.

Media Communications (1.0 High School Credit) #493680


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