Sample Plan NWACC Associate’s Degree for STEM (60 college credit hours; 2 yrs of a bachelor’s).
Summer: PE
Grade 8 High School Credit Courses Pre-AP Algebra I Acc Phy Sci. Int. Leadership & Sv
Freshman YR:
Sophomore YR:
Junior YR
Senior YR
Pre-AP English I w/Comm Pre-AP Geometry Pre-AP Biology AP Human Geography* NWACCHLSC 1002/ARHS 1003 Theatre or other elective Spanish I
Pre-AP English II Advanced Algebra II Pre-AP Chemistry NWACCHIST 1043/HIST 2013 NWACCGEOL 1114/PSYC2003 AP Comp Sci
AP Eng Lang & Comp* AP Precalculus NWACC BIOL 1544/CHEM 1104 NWACCHIST 2013/HUMN1003 NWACC COMM 1301/ ELEC* Theatre or other elective Spanish III or Internship
NWACC ENGL 1013/1023 NWACC MATH1203/ SCI ELEC AP Physics NWACC PLSC 2003/ ELEC* NWACC ECON2013/ECON20 23 Theatre or other elective Spanish IV or Internship
Learning Spanish I
Principles* Spanish II
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