Biola Broadcaster - 1963-10

themselves to be secure. All true bom again believers will earnestly pray and buy up every opportunity of winning LIFE'S PIECES God's thoughts are above human knowledge: He moves in mysterious ways To work out eternity's purpose Through time's short procession of days. While some lives seem favored by fortune, With others misfortune increases; Yet with every life plan that is brok­ en, God knows what to do with the pieces. Fond hopes often bloom but to with­ er; Ambition may glow and soon fade; Joy frequently turns into sorrow, And life makes us doubtful, afraid. When a rainbow appears on the storm- cloud And our doubting and questioning ceases, Then we know that although life may break us, God knows what to do with the pieces. God can make the four walls of a sickroom Hold sunshine along with the pain; And the spirit within broken bodies Inspires us again and again. Nature compensates for her short­ comings, Making up for her lacks and de­ creases. God can take a life — shattered, crushed, broken, And make Heaven inhabit the pieces. It takes faith, vision, and will power To determine the cast of a soul. In spite of convictions and courage, One sometimes comes short of. the goal. But no matter what have been our failures, Our faith in the future increases, When we let God take over our troubles, For He knows what to do with the pieces.


CHRIST’S COMING QUESTIONED by Dr. Ralph L. Keiper T here have been many questions in the finite minds of men con­ cerning this great event of Christ’s return which have been discussed and debated since His blessed promise was first given. If you are not a believer and find it difficult to grasp, may the thought somewhat challenge you that you are not the first to experience these questions. Many in the time of our Lord Jesus did not believe in His Word. When He told His disciples that He was going to rise from the dead, they thought He was insane. When He mentioned it to the religious leaders of His day, they thought He was absolutely irrational. Without be­ ing sacreligious, his own parents thought that the Lord was a paranoic. That is the Greek word translated in the Gospel, “they thought he was be­ side himself.” But, you see, we do not base our beliefs upon the opinions of men, nor upon the guesses of science. Our faith is built uport this Word of God and the Word of God alone! The Apostle Peter prophesied that questioners, doubters, a n d scoffers would flourish before the Lord’s return. In his second epistle, chapter three, verse one, he gives this explanation, “This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remem­ brance.” Before he gives the message, Peter cites his authority. He is not teaching reason of men but the revela­ tion of God. Whenever we decide a question concerning the faith, we must determine the authority which will be used. Men erroneously use human au­ thorities against the Word of God. In the realm of philosophy and science, men invariably make an appeal to (continued on next page) 15

these dear people to the Saviour, their only Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.

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