Biola Broadcaster - 1963-10


by Dr. Ralph L. Keiper


W ith conditions as they are today, everyone is interested in the future of this world’s history. We are not only interested in what is going to happen to Russia, China, Cuba, and other trouble spots on the globe, but also in what is going to happen to us as individuals. I Thessalonians 4:16 and 17 reveals a part of this wonderful future blue­ print for complete redemption of both soul and body. “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” It should be first established to whom the Lord is speaking. It is clear from the context that He is addressing those who have been bom again; who know the Lord Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour. The first activ­ ity is that “the dead in Christ shall rise first.” But, have you ever asked your­ self, “If those who have gone before are not asleep and if they are with the Lord, in what sense are they to be un­ derstood as the dead? How can they be understood to rise again” There must be a clean distinction made between the soul and the body. The soul and spirit make up our personalities. The body is the house in which we have lived. At death the soul goes to be with the Lord and the body is placed in the ground where it is said to sleep. It is the body to which reference is made when we read, “the dead in Christ shall rise first.” Someone once asked the question, “Isn’t God unfair when he says that the dead shall rise first? Why don’t the living rise at the same time” One minister an­ swered it quaintly when he said, “The dead have six feet further to go. There­ fore they are given a head start.” Now,

this is merely a humorous answer and is not teaching the Word of God. But there are some people who ask foolish questions. The only way to silence them is to give them a foolish answer. Just as our bodies shall be changed like unto His glorious body, so the bodies of the dead will be reunited with their souls and stand before the judg­ ment seat of God. This will not take place simultaneously but the unright­ eous will be resurrected after the kingdom rule of the Lord Jesus Christ and preceding what is known as the great white throne judgment of Al­ mighty God. Again, our minds, as well as our bodies, will be transformed. How wonderful this will be. We will be able to think straight, and remem­ ber those things which are really im­ portant. But then, contemplate the words, “And so shall we ever be with the Lord.” One of the reasons we have heartbreak at death is because the cir­ cle is broken. In a coming day we will grieve because of the loss of loved ones. How sorrowful are the memories. We look back on the days of old. Many of us are left here alone, all by ourselves. It is wonderful to know the sweetness of heavenly joy in the midst of earthly sorrow,' but yet earthly sorrow still ex­ ists. There is coming a day, however when we too shall go to be with our Lord and again will be united with them. Here the circle may grow small­ er and smaller, but up there it will grow wider and wider, “And so we ever be with the Lord.” * * * Faith is simply patience with its lamp already lit. * A smile is a curve that will set a lot of things straight. * * * The man who prides himself on having courage to say what he thinks, ought to be sure that he really does think. 28 * *

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