Biola Broadcaster - 1963-10

‘ Tis clone, the great transaction’s done. 1 am my Lord’s and He is mine.” Now, an important question faces you. “Since Christ was ignored by the world (including myself in times past), will I continue to reject Him? W ill I make His death on the cross vain and useless as far as my own salvation is concerned?” No longer do you need to ignore Christ and wander about without light in this sin-darkened world. “Into my heart, into my heart, Come into my heart Lord Jesus. Come in today, come in to stay, Come into my heart Lord Jesus.” tire student body and faculty. One reason why our interest is heightened in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ is because He will also do some vindi­ cating for us. Taking the Lord by faith we live in a sinful world. The Bible, salvation, every aspect of the Christian life is viciously attacked. Because the Lord is visibly silent concerning such rampant unbelief it almost appears as though Christ might not come again. How blessed in these times to assure our hearts with the words of Scripture, “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of man; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation” (He­ brews 9:28). No wonder our hearts burst forth in joyous song, “He is com­ ing again; He is coming again; in power and great glory, He is coming again!! One purpose of our Lord’s coming is to indicate the Word of God and Himself as the Testator thereof. From the point of view of the world, when the Lord Jesus Christ died on Calvary’s cross, He died as a martyr for a lost cause. People without the Saviour, are willing to admit that He died; however, that’s the end of it. They will not conclude that which Scripture insists, that He is now seated at the right hand of God from whence He will literally and visibly return to this earth again. You and I, as born- again believers, take God’s Word by 6

Christ came to this earth full know­ ing that to fulfill the will of the Fa­ ther it would involve His sacrificial death. Why did He come to be cursed by God? Simply because He came to manifest the love of tlie Father to you and to me, and so that He might be our Saviour. In order for God’s holi­ ness not to be violated, and His justice upheld, the full penalty of the broken law had to be paid. The law dictated that the wages of sin is death. Yet, blessed be His name, the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Our Saviour has brought us out from under the curse; He has pur­ chased us back to God from the slave market of sin. H ave you ever been in serious trou­ ble, accused of certain things of which you were not guilty, and yet had no way of proving yourself innocent? At this moment you have sought for vindication. Yet there has been no one to come to your side for help. A young friend of mine had to leave a Christian college because she was accused, as a student, of doing some­ thing against the college’s rules. Cir­ cumstances seemed to point to her as the guilty party. While she knew she wasn’t, still the evidence was there. She told the faculty committee, “I am not in a position to prove my innocence. Everything points to my guilt. I know you will expell me be­ cause of what appears. But will you promise that, if in the future my inno­ cence is proved, you will restore me to the college with honor, and just as pub­ licly retract my past condemnation?” Naturally, the college leaders agreed. About six months later there was a re­ vival meeting on the campus. One of the students went to the dean and said, “I am the one who was responsible. I did the thing for which my fellow stu­ dent was dismissed. Circumstances were managed so that it looked as though she were guilty where she was really innocent.” The college presi­ dent sent a telegram to the student who had been expelled and she was completely vindicated before the en­

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