Biola Broadcaster - 1963-10


religious leaders tried to trap Him. The Saviour flatly declared, “Men can­ not kill me. I came to die, but My death is not necessary in the sense that I have to die. I have power over death so that the death I die is a willing one.” Let’s look at the text in John 10:17 and 18, “Therefore doth my Fa­ ther love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I re­ ceived of my Father.” This portion of OUR NEED OF GRACE Grace when the sun is shining. Lord Grace when the sky is black, Grace when I get an unkind word, Grace on the too smooth track. Grace when I'm elbowed in a nook, Grace when I get. my turn. Grace when the dinner will not cook. Grace when the fire won't burn. Grace when my duties all go wrong Grace when they all seem right. Grace when it's gladness, praise and song. Grace when I have to fight. Grace when my dress is fresh and new, Grace when it's worn and old, Grace when my purse is empty, too Grace when it's full of gold. Grace when the saved ones don't act saved, And put the blame on me, Grace when the grace for which I've prayed, Seems, Lord, denied by Thee. Scripture also reveals to us that our Lord was emphasizing His personal bodily resurrection. This truth cannot be spiritualized away and changed. So He not only tells us that He is able to rise from the dead Himself, but also that He makes possible our resurrec­ tion. So we rejoice today that the Lord Jesus Christ will come again, simply because He is the One who not only died on the cross, but also the One who arose from the dead.


Dr. Ralph L. Keiper B ecause the doctrine of the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the pivotal truths of bur entire faith it is no wonder that it has been the most fiercely attacked by critics of the Holy Scripture. Unfortunately these attacks have come from both the secu­ lar as well as the religious world. There are many people who call them­ selves Christians and yet who do not believe in the physical, bodily, 'his­ torical resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. In the Gospel accounts we read how that, after the dark hours of the cruci­ fixion some of the Lord’s own disciples could not believe His resurrection. Even when He stood in their midst they were mystified. Perhaps we can appreciate, to some degree, their hesi­ tancy since people don’t rise from the dead every day; it is not a common oc- curance. Luke records our Lord’s challenge to His disciples following the resurrec­ tion, “And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have” (Luke 24:38, 39). Here He was in tíieir midst and yet they cannot believe their own eyes. (The word “spirit” here is not capital­ ized and means rather “ghost.”) He wasn’t just a wind or an etheral quality for He actually was composed of flesh and bone. As He showed them His hands and feet they were still not convinced. Naturally they were confused because, of their tradition. So, He appeals not to their faith but to their fleshly senses. He has condescended now to their low­ er level and instincts. But since their (continued on next page) 9

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