Vision 2025 02 12

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The City of Clarence-Rockland has partnered with Creative Celebrations, a local business, in hopes of energizing and enhancing the 2025 market season. The C-R Market takes place on the second Sunday of May, June, July, and August and highlights local businesses and vendors across the municipality. The market is held at Parc Simon. i8FBSFFYDJUFEUPIBWFUIJTPQQPSUV - nity to bring our creativity to the market season,” said Chantale Stucker, who owns and operates Creative Celebrations with IFS IVTCBOE i8F XBOU UIF NBSLFUT UP be a destination where people can enjoy themselves while helping local businesses HBJOFYQPTVSFu Launched in 2022 by the City of Cla- SFODF3PDLMBOET&DPOPNJD%FWFMPQNFOU team as a strategic initiative, the City’s plan was to operate the market for two years to demonstrate its sustainability, with the goal PGFWFOUVBMMZQBSUOFSJOHXJUIBOFYUFSOBM company to oversee its operations, said Martin Irwin, the City of Clarence-Rockland’s manager of recreation and culture. “In 2024, a contract was awarded to an FYUFSOBMQBSUOFS $SFBUJWF$FMFCSBUJPOT XJUI a transition period occurring during last year’s market dates,” he added. “The agreement with Creative Celebrations clearly outlines the responsibilities of both parties, and the

La Cité de Clarence-Rockland s’associe à l’entreprise locale Creative Celebrations pour la saison 2025 du marché qui débutera le 11 mai au Parc Simon. L’objectif de cette nouvelle orientation est d’attirer plus de visiteurs aux marchés, tout en mettant l’accent sur les entreprises et les vendeurs locaux. (Photo d’archives)

took over the canteen inside the Clarence Creek Arena and owns and operates Frozen 'MBNJOHPi8FOPUPOMZXBOUUIF$3.BSLFU to be a place where we can showcase local vendors but also a place where people want to come, learn, and enjoy themselves.” Stucker is asking for community input on what residents would like to see at the market and is accepting applications for this year’s market season. She promises the markets will feature fun, advises that ice should be at least 15 to 20 centimeters thick before being considered safe for activities like skating, walking, or pond hockey, and even thicker for snowmo- biles. However, residents should be aware that ice conditions across the watershed are not actively monitored, meaning those venturing onto the ice do so at their own risk. 5PIFMQHVJEFTBGFJDFVTF 4/$GPMMPXT B i8PSLJOH PO *DFu QPMJDZ UIBU PVUMJOFT recommended thickness levels for various BDUJWJUJFT"DDPSEJOHUP4/$ JDFMFTTUIBO 10 centimeters thick is unsafe for any use. Ice at least 10 centimeters thick can sup- port a single person, but multiple people must remain at least three meters apart. A thickness of 18 centimeters is required for a person with a snow machine and trailer, while 33 centimeters is needed to safely support light-duty vehicles. "T'BNJMZ%BZXFFLFOEBQQSPBDIFT 0OUB - rians will have the opportunity to participate

City remains committed to supporting them in managing C-R Market operations.” There is no change to the market location, as it will continue to take place at Parc Simon from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Stucker said the goal has always been to emphasize local vendors and businesses and to give visitors a chance to connect and learn from like-minded individuals. i*IBWFBMPUPGFYQFSJFODFQMBOOJOHBOE organizing events,” said Stucker, who also

entertainment, and activities for the whole family in hopes of increasing foot traffic. i8FIBWFBQSFUUZHPPEGPMMPXJOHPOTPDJBM NFEJB uTBJE4UVDLFSi8FQMBOPOEFWFMPQJOH a new website and really want this to be something the community can talk about BOECFQSPVEPG8FXBOUQFPQMFUPDPNF and shop locally rather than having to drive to Orléans.”

SNC: STAY SAFE ON THE ICE THIS FAMILY DAY WEEKEND safety remains a concern, especially in locations covered by deep snow, where conditions are unknown and may be unsafe for recreational use.


in the province’s Free Family Fishing event from February 15 to 17, allowing residents UPàTIXJUIPVUBMJDFOTF4/$FODPVSBHFT families to take part in local winter fishing activities but stresses the importance of ice safety. Anglers should check ice conditions before heading out by consulting local autho- rities, ice hut operators, or fellow fishermen. 5PFOTVSFBTBGFPVUJOH 4/$BEWJTFT anglers to inform others of their location and FYQFDUFESFUVSOUJNF XFBSBQQSPQSJBUFXJOUFS clothing, and carry essential safety gear such as a life jacket, cell phone, ice pick, and throw rope. Parents are also reminded to educate children on the dangers of ice, emphasizing that they should never go onto the ice alone or follow pets or friends onto potentially unsafe surfaces. 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPOBCPVU'BNJMZ%BZ weekend’s Free Fishing event in Ontario, SFTJEFOUTDBOWJTJU4/$TXFCTJUF

South Nation Conservation (SNC) is urging residents to remain cautious around lakes, rivers, and riverbanks this winter, despite the cold temperatures that have persisted through January and into February. While many areas have seen freezing conditions, ice

4/$XBSOTUIBUJDFGPSNBUJPOPOUIF4PVUI /BUJPO3JWFSDBOCFJODPOTJTUFOUFBDIZFBS  making it unpredictable for winter activities. Ice thickness varies due to factors such as temperature fluctuations, water currents, and snow cover. The conservation authority

À noter… Nos bureaux seront fermés le lundi 17 février

Please note… Our offices will be closed, February 17

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