2021-2022 Winter Program Guide

Dothan Area Special Olympics The Dothan Area participates in the following sports programs through Special Olympics Alabama: Swimming, Individual Bowling, Unified Bowling, Volleyball, Unified Volleyball, Basketball, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Golf, Cycling, Bocce, Cheerleading, Stand-Up Paddleboard, and Athletics (track and field). To participate in Special Olympics sports programs an athlete must be 8 years of age or older and complete an Application for Participation in Special Olympics (i.e., Health Form) and an Official Release form. Forms can be obtained by contacting the local Special Olympics program at 334-615-3720. For more information about the Dothan Area Special Olympics program, please contact Doug Tew Therapeutic Center at 334-615-3720. Therapeutic Valentine's Day Dance Valentine’s Dance for intellectually and physically challenged children and adults ages 13 and above. We encourage you to come dance and enjoy socializing with friends. A king and queen will be crowned. Refreshments will be served. Parents/Guardians will be required to check in/out individuals attending the dance. We ask that group homes provide sufficient staff to chaperone their clients. Participants that require one-on-one assistance will need to have a parent/guardian attend with them. Registration deadline is Wednesday, February 9, 2022. Date: Locations: Fee: Coordinator: Special Requirements: February 11, 6 - 8 p.m. Wiregrass Recreation Center Gym Sign up to provide a finger food or drinks Angie Lowe alowe@dothan.org Participants must be able to go to restroom independently and have manageable behaviors and healthcare needs. Therapeutics Grab your shoes and bowling ball! Recreation, socialization, and fun in a supervised environment for intellectually challenged individuals ages 13 and above. Participants must be able to go to the restroom independently and have manageable behaviors and healthcare needs. Transportation provided to and from activity for 20 participants in the Dothan City Limits. Date: Strikes R Us Bowling

Miracle League Spring Baseball Registration for Miracle League Spring baseball will be held at Doug Tew Therapeutic Recreation Center Monday, January 10, 2022, through Friday, January 14, 2021, from 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. and on Saturday, January 15, 2022, from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. The Miracle League is an organization that provides children and adults with mental and/or physical challenges an opportunity to play baseball as a team member in an organized league and is open to ages 2 years and up (2-5 years of age participate in the toddler league, 6-21 years of age participate in the youth league and ages 22 and up participate in the adult league) in the Wiregrass area. The league is also accepting registration for volunteer coaches and buddies to assist with the program. Proof of insurance is required at the time of registration. Opening day for spring season is scheduled for March 12, 2022, at 9 a.m. Date:

Opening Day is scheduled for March 12, at 9 a.m. Games will be played on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Rotary Miracle Field $25.00 per child/adult player, $10.00/additional player same household James McCord, dothanmiracleleague@gmail.com, or

Locations: Fee:


Angie Lowe, alowe@dothan.org 334-615-3720 or 334-596-1642

Therapeutic Recreation Day Program The Therapeutic Recreation Half Day program is for intellectually challenged adults ages 18 years and older that require minimal assistance with leisure activities. The program will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Doug Tew Therapeutic Center from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. We are only taking registration for waiting list. Any available slots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. Participants will be assigned to either Tuesday or Thursday. If you are currently participating in this program, you do not need to register for winter session. Participants will enjoy recreational activities, music, life skills programs, art, field trips and other leisure activities. Participants must be able to go to the restroom independently and have all self-help skills. Participants must have manageable behaviors and healthcare needs. Slots are limited . Date:

Tuesday group (Starts December 7, 2021, through February 22, 2022. Program will not meet on December 21st, December 28th, January 4th, February 8th, and February 15. Thursday group (Starts December 9,, 2021, through February 24, 2022. Program will not meet on December 23rd, December 30th, January 6th, and February 17th). Doug Tew Community Center $25 (Does not include field trip fees) Angie Lowe, alowe@dothan.org, 615-3720

Jan. 10- Feb. 28, Mondays, (will not meet on Jan. 17th & Feb. 21st), 2 - 3:15 p.m. Patricia Lanes (2208 Ross Clark Circle) $25.00 payable to Patricia Lanes (Payment should be sent with registration form to DLS Therapeutic program). Angie Lowe, alowe@dothan.org

Locations: Fee:

Location: Fee: Coordinator:



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