Pressure Cleaners

Preventative Maintenance – Before and after using your machine

There are a variety of things you can do to prevent other problems that may crop up with your pressure cleaner, all of which are well worth the time and effort:

• Before using your pressure cleaner, check the level of the engine oil and fuel. If either one is low, top them off. If the oil needs to be changed, follow the manufacturer’s instructions and replace it with the recommended type of oil. • Verify that the water-inlet screen is clear of debris and mineral build-up. A clogged screen can damage your pump by forcing it to overwork. If the screen is obstructed or dirty, flush it with clean water. • Also verify that the screen is not damaged; if it is, replace it before use. Running without a screen is a very bad idea - major damage to the pump could occur if any dirt or debris is sucked through the machine. • Inspect your power washer’s high-pressure hoses. If there are leaks, cuts or prominent wear marks that suggest the hose is ready to fall apart, consider replacing it. If you use an after-market hose or one not recommended by your manufacturer, be sure it is rated for more pressure than your machine’s maximum output rating. • Check the siphon tube for cleaning solution, and verify that it is clean and free. Make sure that it fits tightly onto its fitting and ensure that there are no leaks or wear in the tube. • Be sure to test your nozzle / wand assembly to ensure that there are no leaks and that full pressure is available. If the nozzle is worn and can no longer maintain pressure, purchase a new nozzle or tip if your machine brand offers replacements. If leaks are present in the wand, replace any O-rings or other seals. • Last but not least, be sure to flush out the garden hose! Pressure cleaners are often ruined by debris from inside the garden hose that wasn’t removed before it was connected to the feed line of the power washing system. There are also a few rules to follow once you’ve finished using your pressure cleaner in order to protect it for the next time. When you are finished - before even turning off the machine - flush out the detergent injection system by running clean water through it for two to four minutes. Once you have turned off the engine and allowed it to cool, relieve the system pressure by holding the trigger until all water is released. It can be dangerous to disconnect the high-pressure fittings without bleeding off pressure in this way and can also cause damage to the seals.

Fault Finding

Here is a list of some things to check when the pump is not working properly”

1. Inspecting The Pump. If you drain the oil and it’s got bubbles in it or has turned white, then you have a blown seal and water is getting into the oil because: It probably overheated due to water starvation or the oil is old. 2. A slow drip on the exit side of the pump could cost you as much as 150 PSI at the nozzle. A fast drip (two to three drops per second) could be a 250-300 PSI loss at the nozzle. A steady drip stream might be a 500 plus PSI loss. When you see water leaking, fix the leak ASAP. Be sure to use ample Teflon tape when re-tightening fittings. This will stop future leaks, prevent rust and make fittings easy to separate in the future. 3. A hole in a hose or leak on the inlet side of the pump causes air to get in. The pump will act as if it’s starving for water. It might even pulsate. When there is not enough water in your pump, air will replace the water and you’ll get zero pressure. That makes it very hard to wash anything. 4. Low pressure in the pump can be caused by a number of things; these are by far the most common, but this is not a complete list, generally if you go thru this list the problem will be solved, check the easiest things first such as water supply:

• Faulty pressure gauge (Replace) • Old or worn out tip at gun nozzle (Replace) • Incorrect tip (Remove and replace) • Hose leaks (Fix leaks) • Faulty unloader (Replace) • Mis-adjusted unloader (Re-adjust) • Worn packing in pump (Take it to dealer) • Inline filter clogged with dirt (Clean it) • Obstruction in spray nozzle tip (Remove it) • Chemical metering valve sucking air (Turn it off) • Slow engine rpm (Check engine)

If you have a pulsating issue at the gun or the machine is Fluctuating pressure, this is a completely different problem than low pressure. You should check for: Worn piston packing (Call dealer). Pump sucking air (Fix hole), Blockage in valve (Remove, check valves and take out blockage). If it is fluctuating and very noisy or if your pump is only noisy check for:

• Air in suction line (Check water supply and connections) • Broken or weak inlet or discharge valve springs (Call dealer) • Excessive matter in valves (Check and clean if necessary) • Worn bearings (Check and replace. If necessary, call dealer)


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