Scrutton Bland Agriculture Newsletter - Winter 2021

Save the Date Digital Farming Summit 2022

Following the success of our Farming Digital Summit in January 2021 we are delighted to announce that we’ll be holding another event in January 2022. We’ll be hosting the event on the morning of Wednesday 19 January via Zoom and we’d encourage you to save the date! At a time of sector change and trading challenges, the theme of our 2022 event will be Farming Resilience.

The aim of the summit is to provide insight to our agricultural community about some of the most important topics currently faced by the sector, and to understand how their businesses are performing at the moment, given the national and local issues we all face. We will also be looking ahead to the future about how farming businesses can succeed by anticipating some of the forthcoming legislation and regulations, and how Agri business owners and managers can adapt to the demands of the market to get their enterprise in better shape.

The event is free and open to all members of the agricultural community including landowners, farmers, farm secretaries, estate managers and professionals working in the sector.

Full details of our speaker programme will be announced in the coming weeks.

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