WHY CHOOSE SGS? Working with industry leaders globally, we have helped create and implement new standards including ISO 26262, ISO/SAE 21434. We are an accredited body for safety and security standards for various industries, including ISO 26262, IEC 61508, ISO 25119, ISO 21434 and ISO 21448, among others. In addition, we have extensive experience with modern driver-assistance systems and other complex electronics, also containing AI. The first Level 3 system for series production approved by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) was evaluated by SGS and we are shaping the future by actively defining legal regulatory frameworks internationally. We are a recognized testing authority for over 400 global procedures including VO (EU) 2018/858, 167/2013 and 168/2013.
SOFTWARE UPDATE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (SUMS, UN REGULATION 156) • Efficient and reliable distribution of new software, updates and functional patches are crucial for autonomous vehicle safety. AUTOMATED LANE KEEPING SYSTEMS (ALKS, UN REGULATION 157) ALKS are subject to UN 155 and 156 regulations. Testing and verification of systems including simulation tools and mathematical models are required under UN 157. All three of these regulations refer directly to safety standards, specifically: • ISO 26262 for Functional Safety • ISO/PAS 21448 for Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF) • ISO/SAE 21434 for Cybersecurity of Road Vehicles
CONTACT US For further information, please contact:
sgs.mx@sgs.com www.sgs.mx @SGS @SGSenMexico @SGS_Mexico
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