Eichacker Simmental/JK Angus - Annual Simmental & Angus Bull & Female Sale [3/7/25]


39 ES MH21 CE BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC CW YG Marb BF REA API TI 17 -1.5 83 135 0.33 11 24 66 16 12.9 39.3 -0.27 0.21 -0.040 0.90 140 84 10 25 30 25 20 10 35 35 30 15 CE SCORE HHH

Hook’s Beacon 56B

Adj BW Adj WW Adj YW 78 614 1150 Adj Scrotal WDA 130 Day Gain 38.6 3.21 3.38

KBHR Honor H060

WS Miss Sugar C4 JK High Point 745

ES H21

ES F50

REG#4414219 • BD: 3/7/24 • Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN

• If you like a bull that’s moderate and stout, I marked this guy as cool looking as they come. He’s wide, deep and packed full of muscles. • Sired by the $102,000 KBHR Honor bull who is out of the legendary Miss Sugar C4 cow • Dam is sired by JK’s high selling Angus bull a few years ago and has a very nice udder Sons of KBHR Honor H060


40 ES MB19


CE BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC CW YG Marb BF REA API TI 6 4.1 96 150 0.34 3 27 75 21 6.7 44.0 -0.38 0.42 -0.072 1.06 142 89 5 10 15 25 10 4 25 10 10 5 25

Hook’s Beacon 56B

REG#4414210 BD: 3/6/24 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN

Adj BW Adj WW Adj YW 117 719 1276 Adj Scrotal WDA 130 Day Gain 38.1 3.56 3.50

KBHR Honor H060

WS Miss Sugar C4 W/C United 956Y

ES B19

ES Z111

• If you can’t stand cattle with performance, then you better move on to another lot because this cow family has it. His dam has a WW ratio of 113 on nine calves • Darren Beitelspacher latched onto his full brother in 2023 • His dam, B19, has earned above average udder scores each year over her lifetime


41 ES MK88


CE BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC CW YG Marb BF REA API TI 14 -0.7 88 140 0.32 8 30 74 18 7.1 37.9 -0.32 0.28 -0.049 0.99 156 93 20 20 20 15 15 20 10 10 30 25 35 25 20 15

Hook’s Beacon 56B

REG#4414171 BD: 2/16/24 Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM

Adj BW Adj WW Adj YW 93 752 1320 Adj Scrotal WDA 130 Day Gain 40 3.42 3.57

KBHR Honor H060

WS Miss Sugar C4 Rubys Outer Limits 935G

ES K88

ES C48

• He’s the cowboy’s kind, a real rancher’s bull. He’s extremely deep sided, easy fleshing and great footed • We didn’t realize just how special this beast was until we started putting the data together, he is the #2 WW bull ratioing 117 and #4 YW bull ratioing 113, then his genomic enhanced EPD’s place him in the top 20% of the breed in 10 different traits • Bulls like this are why we are blessed with so many repeat customers. He doesn’t need the spotlight; he’s just going to go to work so you can wean more lbs of calf in the fall




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