Eichacker Simmental/JK Angus - Annual Simmental & Angus Bull & Female Sale [3/7/25]


76 ES MH134 CE BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC CW YG Marb BF REA API TI 7 2.1 86 138 0.33 1 24 66 16 9.6 33.7 -0.33 0.46 -0.046 0.98 146 91 25 15 10 35 35 15 25 30 20 CE SCORE HH

Hook’s Eagle 6E Bridle Bit Efficient J160

Adj BW Adj WW Adj YW 101 657 1218 Adj Scrotal WDA 130 Day Gain 37 3.37 3.53

Bridle Bit Miss Z202 CDI Abundance 391C

ES H134

ES B34

REG#4414280 • BD: 3/14/24 • Hetero Black Homo Polled Purebred SM

• Bulls like this will sire those good doing feeder calves that will make you money whether you sell them off the cow or feed them out • He’s a long spined, big topped, soft-middled bull that reads well on his carcass traits • His sire, Bridle Bit Efficient, was selected and named because he was Chad Cook’s #1 bull for feed efficiency and their #3 gaining bull that year

ES LH134, Maternal Brother

Sons of Bridle Bit Efficient


77 ES MG150


CE BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC CW YG Marb BF REA API TI 15 -2.2 81 127 0.29 8 27 67 23 17.3 40.2 -0.18 0.48 -0.033 0.69 164 90 25 20 35 35 302530 1 5 35 10 25

Hook’s Eagle 6E Bridle Bit Efficient J160

REG#4414346 BD: 4/20/24

Adj BW Adj WW Adj YW 78 647 1166 Adj Scrotal WDA 130 Day Gain 34.0 3.35 3.27

Bridle Bit Miss Z202 WS Proclamation E202

Hetero Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 3/16 AN 1/16 AR

ES G150

Hook’s Charity 104C

• This young April bull is really coming on, he’s fairly moderate in the pen compared to many of the other bulls that are 1 to 2 months older. But we sure do like the way he’s put together, very smooth from end to end like a calving ease bull • Could go 4-star CE with some caution. He has that look and his dam has never had a large one with a BW ratio of 91 (on BW you want a lower #) • We really like his dam, G150, she raised our high selling black bull last year, ES Declaration, going to Wildberry Farms


ES LG150, Maternal Brother

78 ES MC201


CE BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC CW YG Marb BF REA API TI 8 -0.4 80 125 0.28 4 24 64 16 14.9 37.8 -0.16 0.46 -0.010 0.78 133 83 35 20 30

Hook’s Eagle 6E Bridle Bit Efficient J160

REG#4414212 BD: 3/6/24 Red Homo Polled 3/8 SM 9/16 AR 1/16 AN

Adj BW Adj WW Adj YW 80 659 1198 Adj Scrotal WDA 130 Day Gain 37.1 3.38 3.42

Bridle Bit Miss Z202 Beckton Epic R397 K

EIR C201

EIR A215

• When it comes to cow power his dam is a good one here at ES with six calves having a WW ratio of 116. With several sons going to stellar commercial programs • Note the full brother that went to Richard McQueen in last year’s bull sale • His sire, Efficient, was purchased by Kevin Thompson in Bridle Bit’s 2022 sale. We then bought a semen interest from Thompsons to have semen for in herd use


ES LC201, Full Brother



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