Eichacker Simmental/JK Angus - Annual Simmental & Angus Bull & Female Sale [3/7/25]

Sons of Hook’s Hercules


88 ES MJ143 CE BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC CW YG Marb BF REA API TI 4 4.8 97 146 0.31 2 24 72 16 15.8 54.0 -0.30 0.39 -0.050 1.12 138 91 10 10 15 15 10 3 20 10 20 CE SCORE H

IR Imperial D948 Hook’s Hercules 209H CLRS Elated 729E

Adj BW Adj WW Adj YW 113 694 1224 Adj Scrotal WDA 130 Day Gain 36.2 3.35 3.35

W/C Fort Knox 609F

ES J143

ES D55

REG#4414264 • BD: 3/12/24 • Red Baldy Homo Polled Purebred SM

• This bull came into the picture pen and hit the pose and out he went. Trust me, those kind seem to be far and few in between. This guy reminds me a lot of his maternal sire, WC Fort Knox, stout, thick with a big‘ol real bumper. I’ve always said some cattle have it and some don’t in the picture pen and Fort Knox cattle have it • This guy hit the scales pretty good rationing 108 for WW and 105 for YW • His granddam is our D55 cow, the mother of the great Major Move flush with a red son in this sale. She is also the mother of ES Pursuit, working for Doug Bichler


ES D55, Grandam

89 ES MF100 CE BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC CW YG Marb BF REA API TI 12 -1.1 79 119 0.25 4 17 56 17 13.8 33.3 -0.18 0.23 -0.026 0.68 144 83 15 35 25 35 35 CE SCORE HHH

IR Imperial D948 Hook’s Hercules 209H

Adj BW Adj WW Adj YW 76 566 1067 Adj Scrotal WDA 130 Day Gain 34.9 3.05 3.16

CLRS Elated 729E CDI Authority 77X

ES F100

ES Y60

REG#4414315 • BD: 3/30/24 • Red Homo Polled Purebred SM

• If you’re looking for a moderate, stout, super thick red bull that’s very correct on his wheels, here’s our recommendation • Granddam is our Y60 cow who is no stranger in bringing bulls like this through the sale ring year after year • His 77lb BW and G+ logo make him a very practical choice

Hook’s Hercules, Sire




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