Precision genomic selection tools FOR THE FUTURE of commercial beef production
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Many of you have seen the unprecedented results created by the RightMate and RightChoice tools for precision matings in the beef genetics industry. Now, Top Genomics oers tools that use the same, cutting-edge technologies, but in a format that is better suited to the way most commercial herds breed cows. With a genomic snap-shot of your commercial cow herd, it is possible to sort a group of sale bulls or AI candidates to best match your particular situation and wishes. RightBull provides substantially more insurance of success than just paging through a catalog or walking from pen to pen. Ultimately, you make the decisions from the prescribed short list based on the traits and factors you prioritize.
Additional Options
TOP GENOMICS Access, if genotypes are currently available, or genotype a minimum of 25% of the existing cow herd (25 head minimum in cow herds <100). This minimum percentage may dier slightly depending on group sizes and total females to mate, but the more females genotyped the more accurate the evaluation. For some this will be a decision to genotype the entire herd or at least all of the young females. The information delivered to Top Genomics must be in the form of raw genotypes and not genomic scores (please contact Allied for questions) in order to get the core information needed for RightBull. Get permission from you seedstock provider to access to the bull genotypes and EPDs, then transfer that information along with the genotypes of the cow herd to Dr. Mahdi Saatchi at Top Genomics, LLC. If he already has those genotypes, this process is even easier. Participate in a conversation with sta regarding your mating plans and breeding objectives so that the results can be better customized to your management practices and genetic goals. Top Genomics will provide you a RightBull ranking and %Genomic Match for bulls in that particular oering for you to use as an important “rst sort” in preparation for purchase. Please allow 5-8 weeks from the time you collect DNA samples to expect results, but just 2 weeks for the RightBull evaluations to be completed if your cow’s genotypes are already available.
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• Choosing ideal heifer bulls is great strength of the RightBull and RightMate technologies. • Top Genomics can sort females in your herd into more similar groups making bull turn out more precise. • Genomically sort the cow herd into desired outcome
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groups, then prescribe special purpose bulls.
• RightBull is also available for seedstock providers wishing to purchase genetics.
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MARTY ROPP 4065817835
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• These DNA programs have been moving like the speed of light! It started out with Genomic Enhanced EPD’s which entailed having DNA sent in on each animal and getting back Genomic Enhanced EPD’s, that in many cases was the equivalent of the animal having 15-20 progeny sent in. ASA then produced the Cow Herd Roundup to have entire cowherds done. Then a few years after that the Calf Crop Genomics was the next logical program ASA initiated. • We then incorporated the RightMate program where through genomics they told us which bull through AI was the best choice to breed that particular cow to. At about that same time we incorporated the RightChoice program which is the 3 logos G+, ACE & ATM by each lot that helps with the selection process for you, the buyer, to get the right bull for your herd. • For those out there that want to take the bull selection process to a whole new level, we can now offer the RightBull selection tool. It involves collecting DNA on 25% of your cow herd. Then knowing the genotype makeup of your cow herd you would have a conversation with the Allied staff to see what your goals are. With your data and goals in mind they would run a match with our bulls in the catalog as they already have genotypes on file and you would end up with a list in order on which bulls are the best fit for your cows. If you ask me, it makes the bull selection process quite simple. Once you have the DNA on file, there are other tools available also. You could sort your opens for which ones make the most sense to retain, or sort your cow herd to go to different pastures with like genotypes to match a certain bull. • If you have any interest whatsoever in moving your program in this direction, we’d love to have the conversation because yes, it does come with some cost but that’s where we at ES are willing to step in and help you out. • LET’S VISIT!
1:00 PM • SALEM, SD
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