Eichacker Simmental/JK Angus - Annual Simmental & Angus Bull & Female Sale [3/7/25]


136 ES L150

CLRS Homeland 327H

Redhill 672X X004 231A CLRS Always Xcellent WS Proclamation E202 ES A110

Adj BW Adj WW 81 ET 647

ES H129

REG#4258037 • BD: 2/11/23 • Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN

CE BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC CW YG Marb BF REA API TI 11 2.1 87 135 0.31 7 27 70 21 13.2 32.8 -0.36 0.57 -0.073 0.87 157 91 20 25 30 30 20 3 10 25 10 20 20 25

LOT 136A: HEIFER CALF AT SIDE Sire: Bridle Bit Recharge K256 • BD: 2/6/25 • BW: 75 • Tattoo: N6 Est PM EPDs: 14 -.3 85 136 .32 9 29 72 19 14.4 Carcass: 41.7 -.38 .49 -.07 1.05 166 94

ES LH129-3, Full Brothers

ES LH129-1, Full Brothers

ES LH129-2, Full Brothers


• We swung the barn door wide open to let these two go. They are the only two Homeland daughters out of the same flush that produced three stud herd sires that sold in last year’s sale. ES Tornado LH129-3 went to Barry Olson for $18,000, we thought enough of him to collect semen and use back in herd, the other two went to Jerry Hink and Pete Bakken. I would have to say, whether we are talking bulls or females, the guess work is done with this mating. The H129 cow is making quite a case to take over the throne that has been occupied by her mother A110 for so many years. If you still have any doubts, slip back to the bull division and check out the flush of these two heifer’s mother, ES H129, has out of LCDR Diligence, Lots 1-6 are sure to have lots of friends March 7 • The baldy, L149, is the flashy one that is mid-sized with great hip. Her feet are as good as any cow we have. Her calf will be one of the first out of our new herd sire KBHR Kota • Some might wonder if there’s almost too much heifer here, she’s a tank. I interpret her look as the type that can raise herd bulls, she’s my kind. ES L150’s calf could very well be worth the trip to Salem alone. Sired by Bridle Bit Recharge, the high selling bull at Chad Cook’s a couple years ago at over $100,000 to CK Cattle from Highmore. The first Recharge heifer just sold under the bright lights of the NWSS for $67,000. The Recharge bulls also highlighted the recent CK Cattle production sale. • The genomic profile of these two heifers is very versatile with many traits in the top 25% of the breed

137 ES L149

CLRS Homeland 327H CE BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC CW YG Marb BF REA API TI 14 -1.4 82 132 0.31 9 27 68 22 13.6 21.1 -0.26 0.51 -0.046 0.60 164 91 30353030253030 2 35 35 35 10 20 REG#4258032 BD: 2/13/23 Homo Black Baldy Redhill 672X X004 231A CLRS Always Xcellent WS Proclamation E202 ES A110 ES H129

Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN

LOT 137A: BULL CALF AT SIDE Sire: KBHR Kota L175 • BD: 2/12/25 • BW: 69 • Tattoo: NL149 Est PM EPDs: 13 -.6 86 138 .32 8 25 68 21 14.9 Carcass: 36.2 -.22 .73 -.04 .74 183 100

Adj BW Adj WW 55 ET 529




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