Eichacker Simmental/JK Angus - Annual Simmental & Angus Bull & Female Sale [3/7/25]


158 ES L71

AI Sire: JC Quiet Man 758K on 5/8/24 • Due 2/13/25 Est PM EPDs: 12 .3 84 124 .25 6 24 66 20 11.2 Carcass: 30.8 -.25 .35 -.03 .82 154 88 Pasture Sire: CLRS Jericho 336J from 6/20 to 7/30/24

REG#4257984 • BD: 3/12/23 • Hetero Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 3/16 AR 1/16 AN CE BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC CW YG Marb BF REA API TI 8 3.1 85 129 0.28 3 24 66 16 11.0 28.1 -0.36 0.12 -0.045 1.00 114 76 25 30 35 10 10

Adj BW Adj WW 97 620

Hook’s Eagle 6E Bridle Bit Efficient J160

Bridle Bit Miss Z202 CDI Authority 77X

ES E129

ES A226 • L71 traces back to one of our really great cow families, both the granddam and great granddam were in the donor pen multiple times • We bought a semen interest in her sire, Bridle Bit Efficient, along with TNT Simmentals in ND. He was our selection out of the Bridle Bit Sale for feed efficiency • She’s not just another pretty face as she has Ww & YW ratios of 104 & 107


ES JE129, Maternal Brother

159 ES L121

LOT 159A: BULL CALF AT SIDE Sire: IR/JLN Boomer J425 • BD: 2/11/25 • BW: 78 • Tattoo: NL121 Est PM EPDs: 15 -.7 88 145 .36 9 27 71 17 14.7 Carcass: 41.8 -.25 .41 .01 1.23 160 94

REG#4257933 • BD: 3/28/23 • Homo Black Hetero Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN

CE BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC CW YG Marb BF REA API TI 13 1.3 93 155 0.39 10 31 77 16 14.4 53.8 -0.12 0.19 0.028 1.15 133 86 10 5 3 15 10 4 25 10 2 35

Adj BW Adj WW 82 621

Gibbs 7382E Broad Range

Gibbs 9114G Essential

Gibbs 7153E Star 3136A TJ Power Grid 363Y

ES G45

ES X52 • This would be the first Gibbs Essential heifer we have ever offered for sale and she’s a good one • Essential is a genetic giant ranking in the top 10% of the breed in 13 different EPD categories • Offers some pretty stout performance #’s with a 104 ratio for WW then moving towards the top of the pack to ratio 111 for YW • We’ll see what she has but if it’s a heifer calf the maternal side is top shelf but if it is a bull, keep every replacement back


ES JG45, Maternal Brother



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