BILF - GOLD Vendor Brochure (P) Feb 2023

C x O Summit For Business Leaders,CIOs,CISOs , CTOs & Technologists The Business Innovation Leaders Forum (BILF) invites you to attend our September C x O Summit.

You are invited to take part in our... As a senior technologist you will be welcome to meet like- minded innovation leaders to share ideas, e x periences and take part in workshop discussions. B ringing together forward thinkers from diverse business sectors highlights shared challenges and fosters new solutions. It is also a great opportunity to e x perience the Forum first- hand and get a taste for what we have to offer.

We are a global community of independent business leaders from diverse sectors including financial services and banking, manufacturing, media and entertainment, retail and logistics, healthcare and other sectors. We are united by a passion to share business transformation challenges and e x periences in the q uest for innovative practices and technologies, ones better able to manage and adapt to new realities across today 's shifting social, business and political landscape. W e are opening our C x O Summit to welcome CIOs, CISOs and senior technologists from vendor companies chosen for their commitment to digital transformation and innovative business development. The afternoon’s exclusive private workshops bring together 25 + creative minds from a broad span of business sectors to share experiences and co-create new business models and solutions. Business transformation continues to accelerate, but often with technology setting the agenda. The aim here is to generate feedback and fresh ideas so that future technologies can better serve, rather than dictate, the development and growth of tomorrow’s business.

This is a unique opportunity for technologists to listen and interact with C x Os in high-level business discussions about current and emerging digital transformation challenges, trends and innovations. These are tomorrow’s leading customers, and these sessions offer advanced insight into their needs. As a participant in these discussions you can contribute practical understanding of what is possible, and how best to blend business objectives with technical reality.

T he C x O Summit is co-located with The NetEvents' 202 3 Global Media Summit.

This offers a double benefit because the NetEvents morning plenary sessions – chaired by leading industry analysts – provide audience members, such as yourselves, with the opportunity to informally network with IT professionals and media from across the globe . See the Outline Agenda on the facing page for details on speaker o pportunities and participat ion in the C x O Summit program . C ontact Kelly O’Neil, C x O Event Organiser: K elly.O @

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