BILF - GOLD Vendor Brochure (P) Feb 2023

Outline Agenda

W ednesday 15th February The morning conference sessions and afternoon workshops are co-chaired by leading industry analysts including: Dell'Oro Group, GlobalData, IDC, Omdia, and Futuriom. Y ou will also have an opportunity to network with these analysts and other industry peers throughout this event. 7 : 30-8:30 am Conference desk opens, w elcome breakfast, informal meetings and pre-debate briefings with analyst chair s . 8:40-12: 5 0 pm The morning on-stage plenary debate sessions will provide high profile panel speaker opportunities for C x Os to be seen and heard by this influential international audience including technologists, analysts and media from around the globe , plus network with industry peers . T opics include: • Business continuity in the face of

Topic1: Cloud Strategies – real world experiences and planning for success

Chaired by: TBA

Getting cloud migration right is one of the biggest challenges that today’s CxO's are facing. They must make sense of multi-cloud and hybrid cloud complexities, and integrate Cloud Native technologies with existing IT investments. We look at some success stories in this field, and consider how cloud might be evolving in the future.

Topic 2: The application of AI for optimal business efficiency

Chaired by: Josh Builta, Research Director, Omdia

Any business failing to embrace artificial intelligence is going to find themselves at a disadvantage to competitors sooner or later.

current and future challenges • IoT and the Network Edge of Tomorrow • The Future of secure cloud connectivity

AI is rapidly becoming part of the DNA of a modern digitally-focussed enterprise. By making use of AI- enhanced automation, for example, businesses can more easily identify new opportunities, reduce costs and improve productivity. AI is at the heart of innovation from the data center to the network edge. The technology is evolving fast, demanding close attention at C-level.

12: 5 0 - 1: 5 0pm Lunch 1: 5 0 - 5:50pm

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Afternoon C xO Summit round-table discussions: Digital transformation challenges, trends and innovations - what the technologists need to hear. Introduction by an analyst and a Forum member followed by series of private workshops behind closed doors sharing your knowledge, challenges and solutions - an opportunity to learn from your peers and influence leading industry analysts . Followed by round up and closing remarks.

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