Somavedic Product Catalogue

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Harmonization of our environment, bodies, and water

Somavedic Journey

Somavedic journey begins in the famous Crystal Valley of the Czech Republic where its hand-blown glass housing unit is made. From there it travels to Lovosice, where uniquely blended precious and semi-precious stones, energy ampliʼners, and precious metals are precisely assembled into its heart. The curation of these materials creates a coherent 360-degree harmonious ʼneld of 100 feet in all directions penetrating through the walls.

Somavedic has been shipped to over 58 countries and helped more than 150,000 people worldwide.

The company vision is that everyone has a healthy space to thrive. At home. At work. Everywhere.

Feel Better. Live Better.

Structured water

Dr. Masaru Emoto, the Japanese scientist, has proved that water receives information from its environment and stores them. This way it changes its quality and structure. The changed quality of water has great effects on the human organism. Thanks to the photos of frozen water crystals, we learn about it’s quality. Energized “alive“ water, e.g. from clean springs, creates beautiful six-sided crystals, whilst chemically treated “dead” water has its crystals deformed. Structured water is alive and full of natural energy that our bodies need

Water crystals before and after treating and structuring water with Somavedic Amber and Vedic.

Where do free radicals come from and what do they cause? Excessive free radicals block the regenerative processes that take place in our bodies during the night. They arise as a result of the harmful effect of EMF, but also because of smoking, various pharmaceuticals, stress, etc. They cause a chemical reaction in our bodies, the so-called oxidation that is considered the cause of such symptoms as tiredness, and chronic inŊammation. At the same time, there is a suspicion that diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s as well as other autoimmune diseases are associated with oxidative stress and the harmful effects of excessive levels of free radicals on our cells. Somavedic can handle these excessive levels of free radicals and helps our bodies regenerate faster.

What is electrosmog and what are its consequences?

Structured water is the same type of water we have in our cells Water is the basis of life. Natural spring is full of vital energy and contains substantial levels of antioxidants. This kind of water naturally creates vortexes and streams, and is charged by the energy that is subsequently naturally passed on to our bodies. As a result of modern treatment and pipeline transportation of water, water loses its natural energy. In some cases, it even has 0% energy, and therefore is rejected by the body and excrete immediately. Somavedic was designed to harmonize all of these negative inŊuences. Our users’ experience shows how much they love the structured water by Somavedic.

Electrosmog is an electromagnetic radiation that is coming out of high- voltage power lines, BTS (cellphone) towers, smartphones, Wi-Fi routers, computers, Bluetooth devices, TVs, and other different devices. It is scientiʼncally proven that electromagnetic radiation induces harmful oxidization processes in human cells that are caused by free radicals. These have a negative inŊuence on our health and are considered the cause of aging. Somavedic successfully eliminates all these inŊuences that are affecting us practically 24hrs a day.

Treating water with Somavedic

What are the geopathic zones (GPZ)?

How does Somavedic work?

Two of our TOP models – Amber and Vedic - can create harmonized, structured water. We can easily achieve this by putting water next to the Somavedic, ideally not further than 20cm (8inches) away. The desired effect of 100% structured water occurs in 10-15min. Our clients then describe this water as light, smooth, sweet, or gentle. Beneʼnts of structuring water with Somavedic: • Restores its natural crystal structure • Gains optimal level of pH and redox (proven on 95% of water test samples)

Somavedic neutralizes the negative effects of the electromagnetic radiation and geopathic zones. The technology of Somavedic is based on the scientiʼnc knowledge of frequency therapies, for centuries known to traditional Eastern Medicine, and the healing effects of gemstones.) The controlled release of energy from precious and semi- precious stones, which create the heart of Somavedic, neutralizes the effects of excessive free radicals. The precious metals amplify the electromagnetic frequencies of gemstones and thus create a natural energy ʼneld that harmonizes all of the mentioned negative effects. Somavedic creates a coherent, life-supporting ʼneld with the radius of 30m (100feet) in all directions, penetrating Ŋoors and walls.

Geopathic zones are places that show a measurable deviation from the natural magnetic ʼneld. They are caused by for example Ŋowing underground rivers, or by human intervention into the layers of Earth. Their inŊuence can often cause low quality of sleep, headaches, back pains, or fatigue. If a geopathic zone hits a technical ʼneld (connected with e.g. BTS towers and with electro installations), our immune system is being weakened. On top of that, these zones constantly move under the Earth’s surface so we can’t solve them by moving our bed or ofʼnce chair. Somavedic can easily handle these zones and eliminate their negative inŊuence with 100% efʼncacy.

Better cells hydration and against excessive free radicals.



$498 / £367

Somavedic Harmony is the smaller variant of the powerful Somavedic Sky model and is most suitable for smaller rooms, ofʼnces and regular car commutes.

Body: Hand-blown crystal glass.

Elimination of inŊuences:

4G Free radicals


Geopathic zones

Certiʼncate: Bion (Slovenia), IIREC (Austria), |GEF (Germany). Heart: Precious and semi- precious stones + precious metals (Au, Ag, Pd, Pt)


Small apartment

Car Hotel room



$750 / £550

Sky has a universal use in all premises where more intensive harmonization is needed. It is suitable for apartments and family houses in larger cities, for ofʼnces with fewer people, yoga studios, small health facilities, or rehabilitation centers.

Body: Hand-blown crystal glass.

Elimination of inŊuences:



Geopathic zones

Free radicals

Certiʼncate: Bion (Slovenia), IIREC (Austria), IGEF (Germany). Heart: Precious and semi- precious stones + precious metals (Au, Ag, Pd, Pt)


City apartment



Family home Home ofʼnce Hospital Clinic



Vedic $950 / £699

The new successor of our previous bestseller Medic Green Ultra. Redesigned inside out for the ultimate harmonization of your home and working space. The go-to model for EMF mitigation and water structuring.

Body: Hand-blown vaseline glass.

Elimination of inŊuences:



Geopathic zones

Free radicals

Certiʼncate: Bion (Slovenia), IIREC (Austria), |GEF (Germany). Heart: Precious and semi- precious stones + precious metals (Au, Ag, Pd, Pt)


City apartment


Family home Home ofʼnce Hospital Clinic




Cobalt $750 / £550

This model is built on a strong and proven foundation of the Sky model. Its core has been enriched with additional stones, which have a positive inŊuence on the psyche, intuition, and concentration. Cobalt should also help alleviate depressive states and mild psychological disorders. Men who work on their self- awareness will like this model.

Body: Hand-blown crystal glass (sanded). Certiʼncate: Bion (Slovenia), IIREC (Austria), IGEF (Germany). Heart: Precious and semi- precious stones + precious metals (Au, Ag, Pd, Pt)

Elimination of inŊuences:

Geopathic zones




City apartment Family home

Home ofʼnce



Ruby $750 / £550

The intention was to create a model, which would, apart from the standard functions of our proven Sky model, support spiritual growth, encourage kindness and open hearts. Ruby is popular especially among women, who can feel its potential immediately.

Body: Hand-blown crystal glass (sanded). Certiʼncate: Bion (Slovenia), IIREC (Austria), |GEF (Germany). Heart: Precious and semi- precious stones + precious metals (Au, Ag, Pd, Pt)

Elimination of inŊuences:

3G 4G Free radicals

Geopathic zones


City apartment Family home

Home ofʼnce



Amber $2.420 / £1.760

Amber is the most powerful, standard, and universally manufactured Somavedic. It’s 4x stronger than the Vedic. It can easily handle any environmental stress, especially strong electrosmog. It also harmonizes water. This “amber handsome“ has gained loyal customers virtually immediately.

Body: Hand-blown amber glass coated with silver on the inside. Certiʼncate: Bion (Slovenia), IIREC (Austria), IGEF (Germany). Heart: Precious and semi- precious stones + precious metals (Au, Ag, Pd, Pt)

Elimination of inŊuences:



Geopathic zones

Free radicals


City apartment Family home

Home ofʼnce



Amber Sun $2.420 / £1.760

Amber Sun is the most powerful and universal standardly manufactured Somavedic. Its performance is 4x higher than the of the Medic Green Ultra. It can easily handle basically any stress in the environment, especially strong electrosmog. It also harmonizes water. This “amber handsome” has gained loyal customers virtually immediately.

Body: Hand-blown amber glass coated with silver on the inside. Certiʼncate: Bion (Slovenia), IIREC (Austria), IGEF (Germany). Heart: Precious and semi- precious stones + precious metals (Au, Ag, Pd, Pt)

Elimination of inŊuences:



Geopathic zones

Free radicals


City apartment Family home

Home ofʼnce



Gold $5.600 / £4.085

Gold is the top exclusive or premium model of the Somavedic company. It has all

of the functionalities of Somavedic models, plus it is custom-made for individual clients, who often begin a new phase of life with this step. If you desire to experience a truly multilevel transformation of yourself, the model Gold is a deʼnnite initiator and helper on this demanding but freeing and exciting journey.

Body: Hand-blown crystal body coated with 24-carat gold. Certiʼncate: Bion (Slovenia), IIREC (Austria), IGEF (Germany). Heart: Precious and semi- precious stones + precious metals (Au, Ag, Pd, Pt)

Elimination of inŊuences:

3G 4G 5G EMF

Geopathic zones

Free radicals

Environment: Ideally in a space where the client spends most of their time. It’s also desirable to drink water treated by Gold.

Core: Is custom-made for each client.

Somavedic is designed on the principle of controlled release of energy from minerals set in a special conʼnguration . Precious metals and energy emitters are strengthening their properties and positive effects.

Body: The core of all Somavedic devices consists of semi-precious and precious minerals and metals, including energy emitters Radius: Somavedic creates a coherent, life-supporting environment. It’s 100% efʼncacy reaches 100 feet (30m) in radius in all directions.

All models have security protocols:


Essential Models




Geopathic Zones

EMF Mitigation

Free radicals neutralization

Water structuring & harmonization

Effective square coverage





Premium Models



Geopathic Zones

EMF Mitigation

Free radicals neutralization

Water structuring & harmonization

Effective square coverage

Custom-made for each person





Dartsch Scientiʼnc GmbH

Published in: Journal of Biomedical Science and Research

Evaluating the inŊuence of the radiation of a commercially available current mobile phone on cell regeneration/wound healing of connective tissue ʼnbroblasts, and the formation of superoxide anion radical of functional neutrophils in the course of an oxidative burst. Moreover, how Somavedic Amber might be able to reduce the cellular effects of mobile phone radiation. Key ʼnndings: Cell regeneration/wound healing of connective tissue ʼnbroblasts and the activity of functional neutrophils as the ʼnrst defense of the innate immune system against invading microbial pathogens is signiʼncantly decreased by mobile phone radiation. The use of the Amber was able to attenuate these unwanted effects. Based on the results of both tests, the use of the Amber can be recommended to reduce the effects of mobile phone radiation.

Single measurements

The results of one representative experiment demonstrating the effect of the Amber on the closure of a cell-free space in a layer of connective tissue ʼnbroblasts by migration and proliferation. Blue data points = Unexposed control cells Green data points = Exposed and protected cells by the Amber Yellow data points = Exposed and unprotected cells The mean values for each experimental situation are given by the dashed lines in the appropriate color. The protective effect of the Amber against mobile phone radiation can be clearly seen in direct comparison to the unprotected situation.

Micrographs of cell regenerationivound healing after 16 hours of migration and proliferation of connective tissue ʼnbroblasts.

(A) Unexposed contro! culture (B) Mobile phone-treated culture without protection (C) Mobile phone-treated culture with Amber protection

Note the different cell-free spaces within the dense cell layer.


The Balneology Research Institute The preclinical research based on the observations of the Somavedic effects met the expectations made by the Somavedic producer as well as the users. The casuistic approach evaluates all the cases separately, no statistic evaluation was made.

Somavedic has positive effects on the cardiovascular system. High BP becomes lower (in 7 cases), low BP increased in 2 cases. Somavedic has positive effects on the nervous system. An exceptionally positive effect on psychological well-being was detected in 4 cases. An almost general positive effect of the SMU on both physical and psychological well-being was detected.

The length and quality of sleep positively improved.

Collaboration to develop smart therapeutical equipment in the frame of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) approach. Measuring BP, calmness and stress levels, and sleep.


International Association for Electrosmog Research (IGEF)

Key ʼnndings 1: The use of the Somavedic MEDIC device

Testing of the Somavedic Medic device and its protective effect on our bodies by exposing test subjects to electromagnetic radiation (from smartphones, Wi-Fi, etc) and by measuring heart rate variability (HRV) as a diagnostic system for the testing.

leads to demonstrable improvement in heart rate variability of 80% of test persons. It has a positive effect on heart circulation and helps the autonomic nervous system to maintain internal balance. The measured results show that the positive effect of the Somavedic Medic device increases with increasing duration of use. Examination of an effect of Somavedic Medic device in relation to the stress of EMF using analysis of blood cells in darkʼneld by exposing test subjects to the Somavedic ʼneld for 90min. Key ʼnndings 1: All patients during initial examination showed sedimentation of erythrocytes of different stages and malfunction of regulation. After the therapy of the Somavedic Medic device, each patient showed a signiʼncant improvement of sedimentation. All patients subjectively feel rested and ʼnt.



Heart rate regulation after 5 days of using the Somavedic MEDIC device.

Zeit [mm:ss]

The very ʼnrst Somavedic was assembled by Ivan Rybjansky on the 1st of April 2011 in his workroom. At that time, he had a vision: “If this would help only one single person, then the effort was worth it.“ That same year, he produced and sold 500 devices. After years of innovation, research, testing and collecting feedback, the Somavedic has come a long way. Now, tens of thousands of Somavedics are shining and harmonizing the environment throughout the whole world. Since the very beginning, Somavedic has had the potential to change the world to a better place. With every new Somavedic switched on, Rybjansky’s vision is fulʼnlling and becoming a reality. We thank all of our customers that they are a part of this major and positive change. We wholeheartedly believe in the bright future. (619) 379-8167

Somavedic Technologies © 2021

— The Somavedic Technologies Team

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