Somavedic Product Catalogue


Dartsch Scientiʼnc GmbH

Published in: Journal of Biomedical Science and Research

Evaluating the inŊuence of the radiation of a commercially available current mobile phone on cell regeneration/wound healing of connective tissue ʼnbroblasts, and the formation of superoxide anion radical of functional neutrophils in the course of an oxidative burst. Moreover, how Somavedic Amber might be able to reduce the cellular effects of mobile phone radiation. Key ʼnndings: Cell regeneration/wound healing of connective tissue ʼnbroblasts and the activity of functional neutrophils as the ʼnrst defense of the innate immune system against invading microbial pathogens is signiʼncantly decreased by mobile phone radiation. The use of the Amber was able to attenuate these unwanted effects. Based on the results of both tests, the use of the Amber can be recommended to reduce the effects of mobile phone radiation.

Single measurements

The results of one representative experiment demonstrating the effect of the Amber on the closure of a cell-free space in a layer of connective tissue ʼnbroblasts by migration and proliferation. Blue data points = Unexposed control cells Green data points = Exposed and protected cells by the Amber Yellow data points = Exposed and unprotected cells The mean values for each experimental situation are given by the dashed lines in the appropriate color. The protective effect of the Amber against mobile phone radiation can be clearly seen in direct comparison to the unprotected situation.

Micrographs of cell regenerationivound healing after 16 hours of migration and proliferation of connective tissue ʼnbroblasts.

(A) Unexposed contro! culture (B) Mobile phone-treated culture without protection (C) Mobile phone-treated culture with Amber protection

Note the different cell-free spaces within the dense cell layer.

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