Somavedic Product Catalogue


International Association for Electrosmog Research (IGEF)

Key ʼnndings 1: The use of the Somavedic MEDIC device

Testing of the Somavedic Medic device and its protective effect on our bodies by exposing test subjects to electromagnetic radiation (from smartphones, Wi-Fi, etc) and by measuring heart rate variability (HRV) as a diagnostic system for the testing.

leads to demonstrable improvement in heart rate variability of 80% of test persons. It has a positive effect on heart circulation and helps the autonomic nervous system to maintain internal balance. The measured results show that the positive effect of the Somavedic Medic device increases with increasing duration of use. Examination of an effect of Somavedic Medic device in relation to the stress of EMF using analysis of blood cells in darkʼneld by exposing test subjects to the Somavedic ʼneld for 90min. Key ʼnndings 1: All patients during initial examination showed sedimentation of erythrocytes of different stages and malfunction of regulation. After the therapy of the Somavedic Medic device, each patient showed a signiʼncant improvement of sedimentation. All patients subjectively feel rested and ʼnt.



Heart rate regulation after 5 days of using the Somavedic MEDIC device.

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