Where do free radicals come from and what do they cause? Excessive free radicals block the regenerative processes that take place in our bodies during the night. They arise as a result of the harmful effect of EMF, but also because of smoking, various pharmaceuticals, stress, etc. They cause a chemical reaction in our bodies, the so-called oxidation that is considered the cause of such symptoms as tiredness, and chronic inŊammation. At the same time, there is a suspicion that diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s as well as other autoimmune diseases are associated with oxidative stress and the harmful effects of excessive levels of free radicals on our cells. Somavedic can handle these excessive levels of free radicals and helps our bodies regenerate faster.
What is electrosmog and what are its consequences?
Structured water is the same type of water we have in our cells Water is the basis of life. Natural spring is full of vital energy and contains substantial levels of antioxidants. This kind of water naturally creates vortexes and streams, and is charged by the energy that is subsequently naturally passed on to our bodies. As a result of modern treatment and pipeline transportation of water, water loses its natural energy. In some cases, it even has 0% energy, and therefore is rejected by the body and excrete immediately. Somavedic was designed to harmonize all of these negative inŊuences. Our users’ experience shows how much they love the structured water by Somavedic.
Electrosmog is an electromagnetic radiation that is coming out of high- voltage power lines, BTS (cellphone) towers, smartphones, Wi-Fi routers, computers, Bluetooth devices, TVs, and other different devices. It is scientiʼncally proven that electromagnetic radiation induces harmful oxidization processes in human cells that are caused by free radicals. These have a negative inŊuence on our health and are considered the cause of aging. Somavedic successfully eliminates all these inŊuences that are affecting us practically 24hrs a day.
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