Christ Continually Proclaimed at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles THE KING’S BUSINESS Official Organ of THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Incorporated
GOSPEL TRACTS f a i * ★ For a limited time and in reasonable quantities, w e offer for prayerful free :dr distribution choice salvation leaflets- prepared by experienced tract writ er ers. Ask for samples, referring to this advertisement. Don't wait—win souls ★ today! ^ Address, K652 CO LPORTAG E D IV ISION MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE 153 INSTITUTE PLACE • CHICAGO, ILLINOIS STANDARD’S TRUE-TO -THE-B IBLE SUNDAYSCHOOL LESSONS Graded or Uniform, story papers, for all ages. Free prospectus, samples, catalog; mention grade. The Standard Publishing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio.
A re You Listening . . . to
over Station KPAS— 1110 kc. ? Every Saturday evening, 5:00 to 5:30. W. Harllee Bordeaux, Director. Hear Reid McCullough’s informing messages on “ Scripture Word Study,” during the month of August. Mus ic by consecrated student talent. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13. Calif. Your Boy andHis Preparatory School (Oddest. SONG BOOKS At PRAY FOR THE ARMED FORCES WhenThePeaceCones Just now you are considering the prob lem o f you r boy’s education fo r the fall. Th e excerpts from a letter w ritten by a Stony B rook boy now in the Marines to his preparatory school headm aster w ill g iv e you a glim pse o f w hat life a t Stony B rook m ight mean to you r boy. . . I just would like to any that my training at Stony Brook in athletics, class room work, and the greatest of all my Bible training are now going to help me wlipre nothing else oan. As I. sit here and write and think hank noon my four glori ous years at Stony Brook. I can just keep from breaking out in tears. “ As I go forward, where. I don’t know, I will always picture the quiet and peace ful life I spent at Stony Brook . . . ('Impel services in the morning, the Bible classes I attended, they now will help me in my battle wherever I may be, China, Philippines or Alaska. Wherever I be, in my pocket will be my small Testament and in me (I will give you my faithful word) l will he a witness for Christ and the best place any boy could be, Stony Brook . . ." Someday, and if God wills, may it be soon, Peace w ill come. And then for that World of Tomorrow let the Bible with its life saving message be taken to every home—in every land. The American Bible Society is ready to act for you in the necessary work o f Bible distri bution, of supplying Bibles, N ew Testaments or portions o f the Scriptures wherever they are needed and in whatever language. You can help in this glorious work with actual aid to yourself by securing an Ameri can Bible Society Annuity Agreement which returns as high as 7%. Investigate this Plan of Christian giving at once! Send for the booklet “ A Gift That Lives” —find happiness and lifelong security in its pages. MAJJL_ T_H_E _C 0_U_P 0 _ N _ T O DAY Now you can secure reduced prices on three Moody correspondence courses . . . some texts are shelf-worn, slightly damaged, or made up of different editions—but courses are com plete. (Bargain rates good only until Sept. 10 and do not apply to Class Study Plan.) Regular Special 1 Practical Christian Work Course...$6.00 $4.75 (stationery 78 cents extra) 2 Teacher Training Course .............. 8.00 , 6.75 (stationery $1.00 extra) 3 World-Wide Missions Course ........ 6.00 4.00 (stationery 80 cents extra ) NOTE: Half price to members of a corre spondence class of ten or more—free enroll ment to leader—if organized before Oct. 1, Dept. K—834 Send me information on □ special priced courses □ class plan Name _____________________________________________________ Address Enrollm ents should be made prom ptly fo r the fa ll t e r m which opens Septem ber 15. L o w er School begins w ith 5th g r a d e . F or catalogue and other publications, address the H eadm aster. Am erican Bible Society, Bible House, New York, N. Y. • Please send me, without obligation, your bookletKB36 entitled “ A Gift That Lives” Name ............................................................. Address ................................................ ......................... City ..................................... State ............. t o n y ß r o o k J c h o o l FR AN K E. GAEBE LE IN , Litt. D., Head master, Stony Brook, Long Island, N. Y. Please mention King's Business ody Bible Institute .13Ï IN STITU TE.P IA C E , CHICAGO \ August 1943 281 Motto: “ Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood” (Rev. 1:5). The King s Bus iness A-Millennial? Pre-Milennjal? Post-Millennial? August, 1943 Number 8 Volume XXXIV I f ypii are a pre-millenarian, I have a message of supreme value for these dark days. I advertised this same message some time ago. The responses from those who had sent for it were filled with grati tude to God for a new revelation that had come to them; a l m o s t e v e r y one said in effèct: “ This should be read by every Christian in America.’' So I am making the same an nouncement once again: I want to reach every true Christian who is longing for the coming of the King, and I am doing my part to accom plish it. Whether I reach you de pends on yourself. Just enclose 10c (stamps will do) in a letter and say, “ I am a pre- millenarian; send me y o u r mes sage.” I f you are not a pre-millen arian, please do not answer t h i s advertisement. And may I remind you also of the continuous needs of our missionary undertakings? In the s p i r i t of Isaiah 40:1-2, We stand astride the world and seek to bridge the gulf between a misrepresented Chris tianity and a misled Judaism. In this ministry of reconciliation (II Cor. 5:18) your faithful, prayerful undergirding is n e e d e d far more than you will ever know this side of eternity. _Our work merits your every con fidence. It is a program of world wide Gospel testimony to the Jews. Tour fellowship in prayer and in gift is always welcome and appre ciated. Our m o n t h l y publication, THE C H O S E N PEOPLE, is of course sent to all contributors. * VVVWVVVW VVVTVVVW rVVTVV The True-to-lhe-Bible Family Magazine TABLE OF CONTENTS Ransom D . Marvin, Staff Artist Around the King’s Table — Louis T . Talbot ..... ................................ ...283 Significance of the News — Dan Gilbert ...... ...........................................284 Preparation N ow for Post-War Missionary W ork ...... .........................285 Nests in the Altars— H . A . Ironside ..............................................,_____ 286 A Nurse’s Experience in Soul-Winning — Wilhelmma Annas .... ...........288 Pointers for Pxtachtxs-^Assembled by Alan S. Pearce ............................ 290 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box............ ... ...._____ ___________..._______ ____290 Singing in the Ways of the Lord— W . Grist ..........................................292 Bible Institute Family Circle......_________ _______ __________________ ____ 294 Junior King’s Business —Martha S. Hooker ........... j___________ ________297 , International Lesson Commentary....................................................... .....299 Notes on Christian Endeavor — William W . Orr, Cyrus N . Nelson, Lowell C. Wendt, Morena Holmes Downing ........................ :...... 309 Daily Devotional Readings_________________ ________ ...„________ _______ 313 Our Literature Table....______ _____________...„____ _____________________ 31*8 The Official Organ of THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. LOUIS T. TALBOT MILDRED M. COOK EdItor-in-Chtef Managing Editor INFORMATION FOR SUBSCRIBERS J. Hoffman Cohn, * American Board of Missions SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: “ The Kin g's Business'* is published monthly, $1.00—one year; $1.50—two years; 50 cents—six months; 10 cents—single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. W rite for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REM ITTANCE— Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express or post office money order payable to “ The King’s Business." Date of expiration will show plainly each month on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING —For information with reference to advertising in “ The K in g’s Business," address the Advertising Manager. 658 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif., or our eastern representative, Religious Press Association, 51 No. 52nd St., Philadelphia, Pa. MANUSCRIPTS — “ Th e K in g’s Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent in for consideration. Entered as second-class m atter November 7, 1938, at the Post O ffice at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. to the Jews, Inc. 31 Throop Avenue, Brooklyn, New Tork, Dear Brother: I am a pre-millenarian; herein 1 enclose 10c; send me your message. I also ioyfully enclose $._________ ............ as my fellowship with you in your world-wide Gospel ministry to Israel. Name. Address. City----— ...---------- ..— .....------State. 282 T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Ciorirtesy of Yosemite Park and Curty -Company ?or Vacation Reading Take with you a magazine to read. Make your vacation reading profitable. Circulate Chris tian literature among your friends. ' %■ JtCC Copies of THE KING S BUSINESS Magazine will be sent as you request, in single copies for YOUR VACATION — YOUR FRIENDS’ VACATION or in bundles of 25 copies or less, for CAMPS — CONFERENCES — CLUBS Send name and address to: THEKING'S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, 13, Calif. August 1943 2S3 Around the King's Table LOUIS T. TALBOT, Editor-in-Chief of God had moved the h e a r t s of strong, hard men. “ For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any-man should boast” (Eph. 2:8, 9). Good News from Palestine In a news letter from the American Gospel Church in Jerusalem, Pales tine, there' Is this encouraging com ment: “ I want to commend the Jeru salem church for its spirit of evan gelism and missionary vision that it is gaining. Greatly to my de light, the Church Board voted at one o f their recent meetings to re lease the native preacher one Sun day each month in order that he might visit the abandoned outsta- tion at Beersheba at their expense. Praise the Lord for this vision; i t ' must be the herald of more bless ings. To promote this, though I am already heavily overburdened with work, I have consented to conduct a weekly Bible class in Arabic in a different home each week, and now the Board is ask ing me to be the speaker at the first Sunday of the month, or the Arabic communion service . . Thus the Lord has been work ing throughout the field in these challenging days of war. Souls tye awakening to their need and crying out to the Lord, therefore you in the homeland and We on the field must prayerfully be giv ing to them the soul-saving Word.” Studying with Profit The study of the Bible always brings rich returns. For those who have found it possible, this year, to spend six weeks in systematic s t u d y at Biola’s sixth annual summer school, it is proving indeed a profitable ex perience. [Continued on Page 318] Have We Forgotten Something? J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, be lieves America has forgotten something —a matter of tremendous importance. “In our struggle to defeat our enemies, . . . on the battle fronts,’’ he points out in an article in the A m e r i c a n Magazine for July, “ there has been an increasing tendency to forget our duty to the youngsters of our land. We have given them less attention and un derstanding, less discipline, guid ance, and care.” These statements might be merely the admission of an unfortunate oc currence caused by the demands of war, were the results less appalling and far-reaching. Mr. Hoover states facts: “ Records show a 55 per cent in crease in arrests of girls under 21 years, in 1942, as compared with 1941. Arrests of girls for drunken ness increased 40 per cent; for disorderly conduct, nearly 70 per cent; for prostitution and com mercialized vice, 64 per cent; for other sex offenses, 104 per cent; and for vagrancy ( w h i c h often veils a more serious offense), 124 per cent. “The increases were greatest among girls 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. But even among girls under 15 years of age, there was an in crease of more than 49 per cent. . . . The crime record among boys Is almost as alarming as t h a t among girls. And, as records for 1943 begin to come in, it appears that arrests for all youngsters will continue to increase.” “Every new case that comes to my desk adds to the overwhelm ing evidence that when y o u t h commits crime, a greater crime has ajready been committed in the home by failure to instill . . , fundamentals . . . You will find, more often than not, 'some adult has failed, some parent has disre garded the responsibility of par enthood, or some city fathers have forgotten their community’s gen eral welfare. Knowledge has been taught without ideals. Traditions that have been proved by time have often given way to cynicism. Freedom of expression without dig- Where is the source for this failure? The head of the F. B. I. ought to know, and he says it is in the home: cipline has resulted from the atti tude that discipline develops com plexes and retards self-expression. We have forgotten that the prisons are inhabited primarily by people who learned self-expression but not self-disciplirie.” We have, indeed, “forgotten some thing.” And Christian people have been perhaps the most neglectful of all, for they know, as men and women of the world could not be expected to realize, that Christ alone presents the solution of all today’s problems. American youth needs Christ! H Touches the Heart From a m e m b e r of the Medical Corps at work in a large camp in the South comes this revealing incident. Can you who read about it feel again that first warm glow that touched your own life when you received the, Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour? If you can, you w ill understand! The writer explains: “Two of my soldier patients just came in and asked for Gideon Tes taments. I gave them the Testa ments, then added, 'These Books will do you no good unless you let the Lord Jesus Christ save you.’ Within five-minutes, both soldiers had taken Him as Saviour, had told Him so in prayer, and had signed their names to the decision card and dated it with their new birthday. “One soldier looked at the other. 'It made you cry too, didn’t it?’ he Said.” A sense of the overwhelming grace INSTITUTEPRESIDENTINRADIOBROADCAST Through the facilities of the California Don Lee Mutual chain, a verse-by-verse study of the Bible is given daily by the President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Louis T. Talbot. It is the plan to extend this radio ministry to Oregon and Washington as soon as finances permit. DIAL NEAREST STATION Monday through Friday, 11:00 to 11:30 A . M. Los Angeles ......................................KHJ El Centro------------------------.....KXO Santa Ana ........................K Y O E San Bernardino ...... KFXM Santa Barbara ....................... KDB Bakersfield ........._......................KPMC San Luis Obispo________...____ ____KYEC San Francisco ............. San Diego _____ ..........__ ....._______KGB Fresno ------ ......___ ____________....KTKC Monterey ...._..........„..................KDON Merced ....----- KYOS Marysville ....KMYC Chico — ------------ ...KHSL Redding ........______________________KVCV ----------------------- KFRC T H B K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 2S4 or’s conferences” have been called in our leading cities. The law enforce ment agencies of the nation have called for action. Curfew hours have been imposed in some industrial areas. But crime and immorality among juveniles continue on the in crease. It is quite plain that nothing funda mental has yet been done to deal with this problem. The right and. righteous direction of youth depends upon the proper functioning of three agencies in our civilization: the home, the church, and the school. War-time conditions create new stresses and strains, new temptations besetting youth, and if delinquency is not to attain epidemic proportions, there must be a program for reinforcing and strengthening the influences upon youth which make for character and good citizenship. • The maintenance of the “ home front” should rank in importance with the. recruiting of an army and the building of ships and guns as an “essential war task.” Certainly, the home should be given adequate con sideration in the allocation of man power and woman-power. If young men are drafted into the army, and workers are “frozen” in the factories and on the farms, then mothers should be “ frozen” in the homes of the nation. In time of War, each individual should serve in that capacity which he is best qualified to occupy. If a mother does not rear her own chil dren, some one else must undertake the task. But no one else is as well qualified. The reformatories and jails are poor substitutes for mothers’ care and attention. Of course, it is conceivable that a condition might arise in which even mothers would need to be subjected to some sort of draft for work outside the home. But assuredly that tithe has not yet come. As long as there are single women and married women without children to assume the fac tory posts, the policy might well bo followed of keeping mothers where they can render the greatest service to God and country: in their own homes, rearing their own children. REINFORCING THE SCHOOL IN TIME OF WAR: • The intellectual and spiritual di rection of youth is the joint under taking of home, thurch, and school. With many fathers called aw a y . to war jobs and army posts, the school must take over some of the functions which rightfully belong to the home. [ Continued on Page 317]- REINFORCING THE HOME IN TIME OF WAR: Significance bf the News By DAN GILBERT San Dieg. 0 , Calif. , GOD'S HAND IN THE AFRICAN VICTORY: future of archaeological Biblical re search.” As Rommel’s forces moved toward Egypt last summer there was grave fear that the areas of Trans-Jordan and Jerusalem would be invaded. It is in these areas that archaeologists are, Dr. Steinmueller believes, on the very eve of making the most impor tant contributions to the confirming of Scriptural truth which have been achieved in all history. One can imagine the Satanic glee with which the anti-God masters of the Nazi re gimp contemplated the disruption of the excavations which are unearthing so much new evidence of the truth of the Old Testament. Dr. Steinmueller comments: “The world can • Military observers have called the Allied victory in Africa “ one of the most remarkable triumphs in the his tory of warfare.” The entire Axis army was killed or captured. The most optimistic of American military ana lysts had not expected that the vic tory would cbme so soon or so sweep- ingly. An interesting comment on what happened in Africa has been supplied by^John E. Steinmueller, whose spe cial interest is archaeology. He points out that the invasion of Africa by the Axis forces was- more than a threat to the British Empire and to South America. It was also a menace to “ the now rejoice that the scene of bat tle h a s shifted from Africa. Bib lical archaeolo gical r e s ea r ch w ill not now be destroyed by the r u t hlessness of m o d e r n wa r . Can you imagine w h a t w o u l d have h a ppened jto t h e ancient " rui ns of cities which, at present lie u n d e r the protective blan ket of a few feet of desert sand, if modern ‘b l o c k busters’ by the hundreds h a d dropped in their midst?” Archaeologists can now go on, u n m o lested in their important woTk of confirm ing and clarify ing the truth of Gcrd. THE CAUSE AND CURE OF JUVENILE DE- LINQUENCY: • At last, thp nation h a s be come thoroughly aroused over the r i s i n g rate of j u v enile delin quency. “May Used by Permission of the American Magazine 285 August 1943 "There is no record anywhere of the Holy Spirit’s power remaining with any church« which did not use it in witnessing for Christ” that a missonary conference was held, participated in by 107 mis sionaries, representing 26 soci eties, and 100 students from a number of seminaries, colleges, and Bible Institutes. Five mis sionary leaders, together repre senting the world field, spoke on the topic, “What Preparation Should Christian Missions Make Now for World Evangelism Fol lowing the War?" .It was the unanimous decision of the conference that the sub stance of these addresses should be published and other meas ures taken with a view to in spiring new concern and effort to prepare for, and promptly seize, the opportunity for a for ward movement on all mission fronts of the world at the close of the present war. To this end a committee w a s appointed, of which Robert Hall Glover, M. D., served as chairman. nesses. World vision, with burdened hearts, is the need of the hour. Missionary Education There must be a campaign of fresh and intensive missionary education in the church. It can be said truthfully that the church is not only the home base, but also the channel through which Christian missions function. The Pen tecostal Power and the Apostolic Plan for present and f u t u r e missionary work will be determined by the spir itual state of the church. There are three outstanding statements con cerning the missionary program of the first Christian church o f Antioch, Syria, namely, “There were in the church . . .” ; “The Holy Spirit said” to the church; “They [the church] sent them [the missionaries] away” (Acts 13:1-3). The church today must al ways be prepared to take inventory of its relation- to these statements. The church that is not a missionary church will soon become itself a mis sion field; i t . is therefore essential that the church, as well as the mis sionary, know God’s missionary pro gram. Preparation NOW For Post-War Missionary Work ance of the morrow, and though we hold with gladness the hope of the imminent coming of our Lord, yet we must plan carefully and well for the furtherance of the gospel while it is day, and until the night'cometh. when no man can work. It is assumed that there will be an Allied victory; for this we most heartily beseech our God. A new world order is anticipated. There will be a redistribution of territory and political / control, n ew government regulations, and changed living and economic standards. Our concept, of missionary methods may require dras tic change. Nevertheless, Jesus Christ —who, by His death, burial and resur rection, dealt finally and eternally with siri, -and who made full provision for the salvation of every believing sinner—must be preached; and what ever the demand, whatever the cost, we must say with Paul, “Woe is me, if I preach not the gospel.” "W ■'JT XH ILE SEIZING every oppor- ■ \ l \ / tunity to carry the gospel of Y Y Jesus Christ into lands now open to evangelism, there is the ever growing need of immediate prepa ration for world-wide evangelistic ef fort following the war. The statesman, the manufacturer, and the educator all are thinking of the post-war reconstruction in. terms of preparation now for advantageous positions then. Our concern should certainly be abreast with that of other fields of enterprise. The church musj: not allow this global conflict to ob scure the fact that Christ’s commis sion should be carried out' at all .times. There are those whose eyes can see no farther than closed doors. These individuals are pessimistic concerning future missionary plans. But God’s work is still continuing, even in this very day. Though we have no assur- [Probably there is on this continent no greater missionary statesman than he who, in collaboration with other_ members of the appointed committee, has set forth the facts of this important- article. Dr. Glover himself has been a missionary. He has been a mis sionary executive, visiting scores of niission stations and dealing with their problems. He has taught missionary subjects in Bible Insti tutes and has written a valuable textbook. The Progress of W orld-W ide Missions. For the past fourteen years he has been Home Director for North America of the China Inland Mission. Throughout a lifetime of missionary service he has[ been a far-seeing, wise, and' warm-hearted exponent of the cause by world evangelism. This Article, therefore, should stir the people of God to prayerful action.- ■Editor.} Our Lord said, “There shall be wars and rumors of wars,” therefore we know that whatever peace shall ensue will be short-lived. No time must be lost when peace comes. We dare not wait until it comes to start consider ations as fo what to do. May it never be said of Christian missions that they arrived at these momentous oppor tunities with “Too little, too late” ! Our task in this dispensation of grace is to “ visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name.” Yes, we must flood all fields with wit• It was early in this year 1943, This necessity throws tremendous responsibility u p o n the pastor. He must make a new and earnest effort to set forth clearly and forcefully the New Testament goal and program of world evangelizatiop. Since the ma jority of churches are cold and for mal, at a low spiritual level, self- satisfied, and wishing not to be dis turbed by preaching of a vital and convicting s o r t , preparation irr the [ Continued on Page 296] 286 T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S By H. A . IRONSIDE* Chicago, Illinois 1 tasy in the w i l d e r n e s s , that very Korah who, with his ungodly associ ates, withstood Moses the mediator and Aaron the high priest, and said: “ Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy” (Num. 16:3). It is as though they said: “We do not need a mediator; we do not need a high priest; we do- not need anybody to represent us before God. Neither do we need an atoning sacri fice. We are good enough for God as we are.” That attitude of rejection is the same as the one taken by the apostasy today. We read of those who, having gone in the way o f Cain, following the error of Balaam, shall perish in the gainsaying of Korah (cf. Jude 11). You remember how the judgment fe ll upon Korah, how Moses said: “ If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then the Lord hath not sent me. But if the Lord make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth, and swallow them up . . . then ye shall understand that these men have provoked the Lord” (Num. 16:29, 30). In solemn warning, Moses had cried out: “Depart, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men” (v. 26); and those who feared God left the companionship of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, and went over toward the sanctuary that Moses had pitched. But those who did not fear Him remained with'the apostates, and the judgment took place exactly as Moses had in timated, and Korah and all his com pany, we are told, went down alive into the pit. Here is a singular thing: here are the sons of Korah, centuries afterwards, leading the praise of the people of God. If Korah and all his company went down alive into the pit, how is it there were any sons of Korah to bear testimony to the grace of God in later days? Let us turn to the record. Wg^ get the fullest account of this event in Numbers 16, but we have a supple- "Ye«, the sparrow hath found a house, and the swallow a nest for her self, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O Lord of hosts, my King, and my God" (Psa. 84:3.) B OU WILL NOTICE in the head ing to this Psalm, the words “To the chief Musician.. . . A Psalm for the sons of Korah.” t “ To the chief Musician" addresses the One who said as He came forth from resurrection: “In the midst of the church w ill I sing praise unto thee” (Heb. 2:12; cf. Psa. 22:22). He is the chief Musician, the One who leads the praises of His people. Therefore these Psalms are very definitely dedicated to our blessed Lord Jesus Himself, the great Leader of the choir of the re deemed. "The Sons of Korah” Identified Then you have the words: “A Psalm for the sons of Korah." Who were the sons of Korah? These men constituted part of the sanctuary choir at Jeru salem after David brought the( Ark of the Covenant to Mount Zion and pitched a* tent for it, and they were still in the choir later on, when King Solomon built that glorious temple, every whit of which uttered the glory of our blessed Saviour. These sons of Korah led the people in their worship. But who were they actually? In the early chapters of 1 Chronicles you w ill find by careful investigation that these sons of Korah were the lineal descendants of that Korah who, with Dathan and Abiram, led in the apos- *Pastor, Moody Memorial Church, f There is a critical question j as to where these headings properly belong in the original Hebrew, at the beginning of the Psalm that follows them , or whether they should follow the previous Psalm, There is nothing to indicate either way; in the Hebrew the one Psalm is very closely linked with the other. The late Dr, Thirtle has suggested that there seems good reason to believe these titles really belong to the preceding Psatm, If that is the case, it does not interfere with something I want to point out here. The heading of the next Psalm is practically the same , ana thus we can transfer it to this Psalm if we give that of Psalm .84 to Psalm 83,—H , A , U August 1943 287 The sons of Korah were linked up With' the Worship of the Temple, and as they looked about them, they saw something the bulk of the people could not 'see. It was customary in those oriental sanctuaries never to drive the birds out. They were permitted to flit about at will. The sons of Korah sang of these 'birds in this Psalm :; “The sparrow hath found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O Lord of hosts, my King, and my God.” The Jews never drove the birds out of the Temple. They allowed them to make their nests there. On some occa sions, even when the priest was offer ing sacrifice at the altar, you could see, underneath, the swallow’s nest and the mother bird sitting upon it, or the nest of the sparrow, with the mother sparrow resting there in per fect' quiet. The birds were not afraid, because no hand was ever raised against them. The priests said: “They have put their trust in Jehovah by entering into His house; we must not make them afraid.” They had a beau tiful name for them: they called them “ God’s pensioners.” The birds had shown their confidence in Him, and they fed upon scraps of the shew- bread and other food, and were at home in the house of God. A Refuge for the Sparrows In this Psalm we find both the spar row and the swallow. I suppose we are right in saying that the sparrow is the most worthless of birds. Jesus Christ said: “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?” (Matt. 10:29). And that farthing was a coin of much less value than a British farthing. You could go into the market and see two sparrows, cleaned, with a skewer through them, lying offered for sale, and the poorest people bought them to make a sort of sparrow pie. Then, the Lord elsewhere says: “Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings?” (Lk. 12:6). James H. Brookes, one of our great Aiherican preachers, used to say: “I think that is how I got in. The Lord was saving four others, and I was thrown in for good measure.” What does the Book say about us in our sinful state? It says we “all . . . are together become unprofitable” (Rom. 3:12). “I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing” (Rom. 7:18)—no goodness or worth; yet God in His infinite grace looked upon me and loved me. Not a sparrow falls to the ground without our Father’s knowledge. It is as some one once said: “The One who created the heavens and the earth attends every sparrow’s funeral.” Remember that you are of more value in His Sight than many sparrows. -Utterly worthless are we in our selves, but of such value to Christ that [Continued on Page 291] mentary account in chapter 26, where we have these added words: “Not withstanding the children of Korah died not” (v. H i. I take this statement to imply this fact, that when the sons of Korah were put to the test, when they had to choose between loyalty to God or fealty to their own father, they said, in effect, “ God must be first; we dare not put our father’s will first, if it is in opposition to the will of God.” Children Faced with Decision It is a solemn thing when children are put in a position like that. I do , not suppose many of you were ever in that situation. I hope all of you have made the great decision. I hope we have all come to the place where we can say: “My heart is fixed, eternal God, Fixed on Thee; And my unchanging choice is made, Christ for me. He is my Prophet, Priest, and King, Who did for me salvation bring; And while I’ve breath I still will sing, Christ for me.” And if you made that decision, some of you in your childhood, some in young manhood or young womanhood, in most cases I am sure it brought real joy to your father and mother, for most of us have had the privilege of a Christian training. But it is very different for some peo ple. For some of our Hebrew Christian brethren, for example, loyalty to the Lord Jesus Christ has cost a lifetime of separation from beloved parents, as these believing children have been cast out and counted as dead. Think of an orthodox Jew’s position; he has to choose between God and parents. Jesus Christ demands just such a choice, and if our parents stand in the way, .He says: “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me” (Matt. 10:37). Do you want a proof of the deity of Christ? You have it right here. Imag ine any man, no matter how good, standing up before a congregation and saying: “Look here, if you love your father and mother more than me, you are not worthy of me.” If it were only a man who said something like that, you would say: “Who does he think he is? He imagines he has more right to my love and allegiance than my own parents; the man is insane.” But Christ has more right, for He is “over all, God blessed for ever” (Rom. 9:5). I have tried to visualize this scene in the desert. I have thought at times I could see those sons of Korah go up to their father, put their arms on his shoulders and say: “ Father, don’t set yourself against God. Who ever hard ened himself against Him and pros pered? Listen to the voice of His servant and yield; surrender to Him while there is time.” I think I see that stern old man say: “No, I w ill never own that I need a mediator or a sayiour. I am good enough for God as I am, and I will not listen to Moses and Aaron.” Then came the call: “Depart . . . from the tents of these wicked men.” I think I see those sons of Korah say: “ Father, if you won’t change, we shall have to leave you. We cannot go on with you. We must be true to ' God at all costs.” I think I see them wending their way across the plain to yonder sanctuary, perhaps even then singing as they go: “ I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wicked ness” (Psa. 84:10). The Song of the Redeemed The years went by, and the de scendants of the sons of Korah were the Temple choir. Isn’t that wonder fully in keeping? When I read some of these Songs dedicated to the sons of Korah, I say: This is of special interest to me, because, you know, I am one of the sons of Korah. The sons of Korah were saved from going down to the pit, and I have been saved from going down to the pit. So I read them with special interest, be cause I am a debtor to mercy: mercy that saved me, that turned my way ward feet from the path that leads to the pit. Now God puts a song into the mouths of His redeemed. A ll whom He saves from going down to the pit be long to His heavenly choir. Some of us are not very good' singers down here. But every one of the “sons of Korah” will belong to the choir even tually. "Whoso offereth praise glori- fieth me” (Psa. 50:23). We Christians shall all do that by and by. TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 288 By WILHELMINA ANNAS As told to Anne Hazelton PART II A Nurse's Experience . . . T HE FAINT breeze that stirred the freshly ironed curtains at the kitchen window was heavy blossoms and the wild flowers of our Sierra Madre mountains. I breathed deeply of, its familiar perfume. Yet it was no more pleasing to me than was the fresh clean smell of the soapsuds my hands were even then immersed in. Next to nursing the sick, I loved to clean things, to bring shining order out of confusion. I liked the sound of the word, cleanliness. I had even mem orized Scripture references on the sub ject. “ ‘Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. . . . Create in me a clean heart... The blood of Jesus Christ his Son deanseth us from all sin . . . ’ ” I paused at that verse. The mention of the blood of Christ took my thoughts back to my recent conversation with The-Man-Who-Came-to-the-Back-Door, as I had named him. As a nurse, I had had many opportunities to speak to those who were brought face to face with eternal issues in their illnesses. I thought of some of them, now, of Dr. Mainwaring of Sierra Madre, of Mrs. Carr in Long Beach, and of young Thompson Hare. I was deeply thankful that I had been the instrument God had used to bring them to put their she talked to me. But I did not listen. I was Wild and ran away to sea. I led a rough life, and you see what I have come to.” “It isn’t too late,” I urged softly. “The Lord Jesus loves you. If you will come to Him, you w ill be saved. Your mother told you the way, and now God is speaking to you again. W ill you read this tract c a r e f u l l y and con sider it?” “ Indeed I will,” he assured me ear nestly. I remembered, now, that I had stood for a moment watching him walk away and had asked God’s bless ing on the tract as he read i t Then I had forgotten him. I did not expect to see him again. To my amazement, he had come back a few days later. I was on the back porch when he saw me. Pointing his finger at me he had shouted, even before he reached the yard, “You’re the one who told me about the blood of Jesus. I believe it, and I’m saved through His blood.” His face was filled with joy, lighted by an inner light, that left no doubt of his surrender. I had not seen him again, but I had been glad many times that I had not been deaf to the Spirit’s leading in giving him that tract... My reverie was broken by the sound of a car stopping in front of the house. It brought me back to my present sur roundings rather suddenly. My hands trust in Him. I had been ready for those opportunities to witness, always praying the Lord would give me spiritual discernment to know the right way to approach each one. Yet I had not recognized a spiritually hungry soul in the man that had come early one morning asking to sharpen scissors or knives. Door-to-door arti sans had disappointed me in the past and as I was particularly busy that day, I had been on the point of refus ing when I had looked into his tired face and relented. I was handing him his money in payment for his work on my lawn- mower and knives, when the thought came, “ This man may be needing a message from the Lord. Why not give him a tract?” But the only one I could find, search as I would, was entitled “The Blood.” I did hot think he would understand that but my supply of tracts had run out Praying that I could hold his interest long enough to explain the tract, I handed it to him and began to show him God’s plan of salvation, briefly outlining God’s redemption as given in the Old and New Testaments. I had been telling him how the Lord Jesus Christ had shed His blood on the cross for him, when he interrupted me. ‘.‘You remind me of my mother,” he said huskily. “ She was a good Chris tian mother and that is Just the way with the blended fragrance of citrus 2S9 August 1943 4 and I dared not fail Him; I was sure that Louetta knew that she would hot recover. I had seen the shadow of that knowledge deep in her eyes and I thought fear showed there, too. I start ed by telling them of God’s great gift to us. I spoke briefly on John 3:16 and finished with a verse that had meant much to me in my own salvation, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” The last few words of the verse al most stuck in my throat as I saw the cold, stony expression on Louetta’s face. I went home feeling tired and defeated. Why would she not listen? Her life was ebbing quickly. Would she go out unrepentant? What could I say that would reach her? “Oh, God,” I prayed, “I have given Thy Word to her and she w ill not listen. Touch her heart—cut through that icy indiffer ence and bring her to repentance.” I heard the back door slam as I finished that desperate petition, and Ruth ran into the kitchen. “Oh, Mrs. Annas,” she cried, pointing to the Bible which Was open in her hand. “Here it is, here it is. I opened my Bible and here it is. ‘For by grace aTe ye saved.’ I see the whole thing, now; I see it, I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour.” With this she dropped the Bible on the table and threw her arms around my neck, burying her. head in my shoulder while heavy sobs shook her. “Oh, I have been so blind,” she whis pered a while later. “Louetta and I have attended church all our lives. We sang in the church choir at home, but we were not saved. I have never seen it before. I’m so thankful you told us. I am so grateful to God for giving me this opportunity to hear and to know Him. Won’t you come over and talk to Louetta again? She hasn’t listened, I know, but she must not die until she has acccepted Him.” With a heart lifted in praise for Ruth’s conversion, I went in to plead with her dying sister once more. But again it seemed I was just talking to a stone. Her face was cold and my heart froze at the realization that this young girl, strangely hardened for one but twenty years old, was going out into the unknown without Christ. I couldn’t stand it. But God is long-suffering and would not that any should perish, and He was not «through with my ministry to that lost child. It was about two o’clock the next morning when Ruth awakened me. “Oh, Mrs. Annas, can you1come? Louetta is dying,” she sobbed. When I entered the sick room, I saw that Louetta’s brother was there. I knew from what Ruth had told me that he was a skeptic, that he did not f Continued on Page 317] Grant asked and I thought I saw fear stir in her. eyes. “ I know she is,” I replied quietly. “I am a nurse,” I added, “and I saw she was ill the moment I looked into her face.” I had seen the pulse beat ing in the girl’s throat and I knew she was very sick, indeed. “We haven’t been in California long and I know no doctor. I’ve been wor ried about Louetta. Would you call a doctor for me?” “ Indeed I will,” I assured her' and hurried home to call my own doctor. .* * * I was waiting for him when he came out of the bedroom where I had put Louetta to bed. “How is she, doctor?” “Mrs. Annas,” he answered gravely, “there is absolutely no hope yvhatever. If that child lives three days I’ll be surprised—at tha, most she can’t live but a week.” I was startled—and yet I think I had sensed when I first saw her that she stood on the edge of eternity. I re membered my unwillingness to rent to her parents, my vexation because they W inning had moved in a day early, and I felt rebuked. “Forgive me, Lord,” I whis pered. “ If You have sent this child here for me to speak to, give me the wisdom to deal with her—the right words to say.” , * But it seemed almost as though my prayer had gone unanswered. I visited Louetta daily, helping with the nurs ing, hoping to show my love in that way and to gain her confidehce. I was between cases and could spare the time. The burden for her was heavy, yet I looked into her lovely young face, knowing that she. was going to die, and I felt tongue-tied. It was not that I did not know how to bring the mes sage of salvation. For some unaccount able reason, I could find iio approach. “What is the matter with me?” I asked myself a Tittle angrily. “Why can’t I tell this young girl the most impor tant thing in all life When her life is to be so short?” The one time I had tried by asking her, point-blank, if she knew the Lord Jesus Christ as her. Saviour, had ended in defeat with her displeasure making it' impossible for me to go .on. . , . Mrs. Grant and her other daughter, Ruth, were in Louetta’s room when I went in one morning, determined that I must speak. I would have preferred to be alone with1Louetta but it seemed to me that God’s voice said, “now,” had paused in their scrubbing, as I had sat lost in thought and thankful ness over the memory of the Lord’s working in that man’s heart I resumed my work quickly, for I would have to hurry if I had the house ready for rental before people came to see it. I liked this little house, almost as well as my own just next door. I hoped we would get‘good renters. Footsteps on the front porch startled me and I hurried to the door. The cou ple that stood, there had that curious, examining look of those who are try ing to visualize a house as their home. “Oh, dear,”. I murmured to myself. “I wanted renters, but not just yet. I’m not half through. I ' did want to get those cupboards painted.” But I hid my annoyance and showed them in, secretly hoping they would not like the place. I didn’t like their looks and when they objected to the price* I was glad! They drove off and I returned to my cleaning. Within an hour they were back and Said they would take the house. My heart sank a little. They were obvi- . . . in Soul •ously worldly people. She looked the enameled, dressed-up-doll type of per son. I didn’t want to rent to them. But 1 could hardly say “No”. The agreement wag made and they arranged to move in on Monday. Sunday afternoon we were returning from Burbank. As we turned in at our driveway I saw, to my astonishment, that our tenants already had moved in. I wondered if they did everything like that. “I’ll go over and say, ‘hello’ and get it over with,” I said to my husband, grimacing a little. His good-natured laughter soothed my. ruffled spirits and I was smiling when I reached the other house. Mrs. Grant and her daughter were sitting in the porch swing. I remem bered, then, that I had noticed two' girls -in the car, the day I rented the house, and that Mrs. Grant had,said she had two girls and one boy. The daughter excused herself and went in side after she had’greeted me. I stood still for a moment, looking after her. My nurse’s training made me instantly aware that this young girl was desper ately ill. “ I didn’t know, your daughter was ill," I remarked as I seated myself in the swing. “Do you think she is very sick?" Mrs. 290 TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 2. Offers the greatest returns, which are eternal (Matt. 25:21-23; 2 Tim. 4:7, 8). VII. TREASURES T H E GREATEST HOPE (John 14:3; 1 Thess. 4:17). —John B. Kliewer, ’35. THE WAY OF THE GOSPEL - Mark 16:15 I. THE PLACE OF IT: “A ll the world.” II. THE PUSH OF IT: Unto every crea ture and into every area of , living. III. THE POWER OF IT: Breaks through every defense of evil (Matt. 16:18). IV. THE PLAN OF IT: Love (John 3:16). V. THE PROMISE OF IT: “Well done, . thou good and faithful servant . . . enter thou” (Matt. 25:21). —Carlton C. Buck, ’30, Pointers for Preachers Assembled by ALAN S. PEARCE, ’19 A ll sermon outlines on this page are original with those whose names they bear, members of the Alumni Association of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The figures following each name indicate the year of grad uation. Alumni members are invited to send in out lines, addressing them to Alan-S. Pearce. DEGREES OF DEPTH IN CHRISTIANITY Ezekiel 47:3-5 I. THERE IS ANKLE-DEEP CHRIS TIANITY (v. 3). Such a person may have experienced conversion, but he could not stand much persecution, because he is too shallow. II. THERE IS KNEE-DEEP CHRIS TIANITY (v. 4). A person of this class might accept minor responsibilities in the church, but he doesn’t want to get in too deep. He is lukewarm like the Laodiceans. III. THERE IS LOIN-DEEP CHRISTI- ANITY ( v . 4). This religionist would likely assume some important church posts, but not take them too seriously. He wants it understood that his feet are still on the ground, that he is still in the world and of it. IV. THERE IS CHRISTIANITY DEEP ENOUGH TO SWIM IN (v. 5). The person of this class has aban doned himself to the Lord Jesus Christ as a swimmer does to the water. And he is the one who gets most from his •Christianity. For him “ to live is Christ.” —Paul O. Steps, ’27. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE — A STUDY IN SUPERLATIVES I. INVOLVES THE GREATEST UNION (Eph. 5:30). 1. Crucified, buried, and risen with Christ (Gal. 2:20; Col. 2:12, 13). 2. “Hid with Christ in God” (Col. 3:3). 3. Seated in heavenly places in Christ (Eph. 2:5, 6). 4. Joint-heirs 1with Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:16, 17). 5. Laborers together with Christ (Mk. 16:20; 1 Cor. 3:9). II. NECESSITATES THE GREATEST SACRIFICE (Phil. 2:5-8; 1 Pet. 1:18, 19; 2 Cor. 5:21). III. RESULTS IN T H E GREATEST CHANGE. 1. From death to life (Eph. 2:1). • 2. “ A new creature” (2 Cor. 5:17). 3. “Children of wrath” made “sons of God” (Eph. 2:3; John 1:12). 4. Made “ accepted” (Eph. 1:6). IV. AFFORDS THE GREATEST JOY (Psa. 16:11; Phil. 4:4). V. OFFERS THE GREATEST PRIVI LEGE (Rev. 22:17). VI. PRESENTS THE G R E A T E S T CHALLENGE. 1. The path of greatest resistance (Matt. 7:13, 14f. Dr. Talbot's Question Box Questions for answer in this department should be sent to the E d i t o r i a l Department, THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. QUE.: How do you explain cer tain discrepancies in the Bible? There are no discrepancies, e v e n though mat) has' sought to make it appear so. Or should I say that Satan has sought to make it appear so? Once we remember that “the natural man [the unregenerated man] receiv- eth not the thffigs of the Spirit of God” (1 Cor. 2:14), we have the solu tion to many so-called discrepancies. It is not in man to understand spirit ual things; he must be taught by the Spirit of God. And the unregenerate man has not the Spirit of God. More over, once the Spirit-taught man ana lyzes these passages that are cited by skeptical men, he always finds that apparent variations are explained in a plausible way. Only man’s igno rance of what the Bible says, his repe tition of hearsay, and his sin-dark ened mind can account for what man may call mistakes in Scripture. God makes no errors! He has seen to it that His Word is inerrant. QUE.: Will you please give me help on the subject of the pre eminence of Christ — Colossians 1:1-18 (especially verse 18)? The reader quickly sees that verses 1 to 8 of this chapter consist of Paul’s greeting to the “saints and faithful brethren in Christ” (that is, all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour), and his commendation of their faith, their brotherly love, and the fruit of t h e i r Christian lives. Verses 9 to 11 embrace Paul’s prayer for those same believers. Verses 12 to 14 are the expression of Paul’s gra- ■ titude to God for the saint’s inherit ance in Christ. Now, as to the portion of this chap ter which deals with the preeminence of Christ: First, let us be sure we have in mind the correct meaning of the word “pre-eminence.” It suggests excellence, a position of distinction, and one that is above others in qual ity and rank. The Holy Spirit pur-' posed to convey just this meaning regarding the position of Christ when He inspired the apostle Paul to write, “ that in all things he [Christ] might have the pre-eminence.” Christ, we know, is equal with God. His title as Second Person of the Trinity does not in any respect make Him secon dary in power, rank, nor position. He is equal with the Father. He is God. It is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit: Three' Per sons Tn One, having equality of rank and supremacy above all mankind., In verses 15 to 19, we find Christ to be pre-eminent in t h r e e major offices: 1. As Creator (v. 16). God created the universe. We read in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” The word “God” here is translated from the ori- [ Continued on Page 319] (
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