T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
FAMILY CIRCLE Alice Goss, ’34, who called at the Bible Institute, May 25, is a Captain in the Salvation Army and iS-awaiting passage to the Hawaiian Islands; Clifford ,(’35) and Mrs. Chaffee are serving ini the Holy Trinity Presby terian Chu r c h , Philadelphia, Pa., where Mr. Chaffee is assistant pastor. They are anticipating service in China as the Lord directs. Henry S. Schellenberg, ’24, Indian Springs, Man., Canada, is a. missionary teacher on an Indian reserve. He and Mrs. Schellenberg with their three girls are happy in His service. Since November, 1942, Knute O. Stensland, ’24, has been a missionary with the Friends of Israel. He is sta tioned at 12038—102nd St., Edmonton, Alta., Can. Since his practical work as signment at Biola among the Jewish people he has had the needs of the Jewish race on his heart and he is giving, all of his time to working among them now. On Foreign Fields •Lelia Bascom, B. Chr. Ed. ’40, writes from her new location at Maturin, Venezuela, S o u t h America, of the spiritual awakening there under the ministry of Alvin Lewis, ’36. She is praising God that now the town knows that the “ gospel people” exist and what the gospel is. Wilma Robison, ’33, requests prayer for the women of Karu, Nigeria, W. Africa, who compose her Bible classes and p r a y e r meetings. They have shown a real interest in reading, but concentration for even a few minutes is practically, an unknown thing to them.. The “light of the glorious gospel” needs to s h i n e into their hearts, and chase out all the fear and c u s t o m s which have been passed down to them from their fathers. Bert (’27) and Mrs. Pagard (’27) baptized sixteen African children in connection with their school work in Piet Retief, Tvl., S. Africa. T h e y also are rejoicing in the privilege of sowing s e e d along the wayside p a t h s . Recently two heathen men were engaged in conversation and at the end they stood up (native fashion), raised their hands and said: “ Nyi ya tandr Nkosi.” (I choose the Lord.) Fred and Mrs. Whale (Grace E. Feldges, ’28) tell of a visit for the Boys’ Brigade work among the Rukuba people of Nigeria, West Africa. It was the enrollment service. After a mes sage from 2 Timothy 2:2-15, the boys lined up before the people and re peated solemnly their vows in Christ’s strength to live the Christian life be
Bible Institute
fore their fellows, their families, and the tribespeople. r Sydney and Mrs. Best (Dorothy Cor nell, ’34), who are serving the Lord in Chungning, Ninghsia, China, report that prices continue to rise. Onions are $3.00 per pound. Eggs are one dol lar each, and sugar is now past think ing about. They request special prayer for the women’s work. Eva Doerksen, ’21, writes from her station in Kwoi via Kafanchan, N i geria, West Africa: “There are over a thousand Christians in our district and there is a great need for Bible teach ing. Just last month 80 were baptized, arid most df these were young people. The work here is expanding rapidly.” Ordinations J o r g e Domaloy, B. Chr. Ed. ’42, was ordained to the gospel ministry at the Los Angeles Baptist Theologi cal Seminary, June 20, and is look ing forward to work among the F ili pino people in this country until the door to the Philippines is open. Paul T. Coulombe, B. Th. ’40,'was ordained in Williams, Ariz., April 13, at the Baptist Church. John Shabaglian, ’43, was ordained after graduation exercises in the Church of the Open Door auditorium, Los Angeles, June 10. Married James Garrison and Virginia La Rocca, June 14, San Jose, Calif. Edward Stubbs, '40, and Milner E. Richards, June 27, Los Angeles, Calif. Otis A. Lee and Kathryn Smithers, B. Sac. Mus. ’43, Jurie 18, Los Angeles, Calif. Fred Caulkins and Alta .•Vincent, June 19, Ceres, Calif. David E. Hamm, ’43, and Evelyn Russell, ’42, June 27, Corvallis, Ore. Dennis Holliday, ’43, and Marie Houseman, ’42, June 15, Alameda, Calif. Geor'ge A. Williams and Mina Gerig, June 7, Oxford, N. C. Eugene A. Nida and Althea Sprague, June 19, Saboria, New York. Robert N. Bogema and Justina Mae Schmidt, ’30, June 8, Kano, Nigeria, West Africa. Gerald Foster and Betty O. Talbot, June 25,, Annapolis, Md. Born To Norman ( ’34) and Mrs. Crider, a son, Paul Norman, June 8, Los An geles, Calif. To Herman (’39) and Mrs. Baerg (Marguerite Hoffman), a son, Richard Raymond, June 11, Danville, Ohio.
Alumni Fellowship Reunion On" June 7, the Monday of Com mencement week at Biola, alumni and other former students of the Bible' Institute of Los Angeles met in the Institute dining room for their annual spring fellowship dinner and program. Among those in the group were workers representing various fields as follows: Africa —Harold (’29) and Mrs. Coen (Ella Penner, ’29); Aleck and Mrs. Olson (Adina M. Bergen, ’31);. Raymond (’33) and Mrs. Rogers (Deimar Howard, ’33); A. P. (’16) and Mrs. Uhlinger (Birdie De Hoog, ’16); China —J. Russel and Mrs. Davis (M ir iam Grubb, ’32); Albert ( ’15) and Mrs. Dwight ( ’15); John and Mrs. Duddiiig- ton (Irma DudroW, ’26); Mrs. Lewis J. Gall (Edna Alger)? K e n t u c k y mountains —Annie M. Bethke, ’19. Tl>e evening’s program closed with a devotional message by John H. Hun ter, former registrar and teacher at the Institute. O f f i c e r s who were elected to guide the Alumni Associa tion during the coming year were Lyman Wendt, ’34, President; Gordon Hooker, ’22, Vice President; Geraldine Hamlett, B. Chr. Ed.. ’42, Treasurer, and Helen J. White, ’20, Secretary. Christian Soldiers * Murdock D. Morrison, ’33, is a chap lain in the United States Air Corps and is located at the 397th Base Head quarters and Air Base Squadron, Seattle, Wash., He reports that many boys are attending church who did not do so in- civilian life. Many are hearing the gospel for the first time. John Woodiand, in the United States Army, visited the Atlantic City Victory Center in New Jersey and heard Percy Crawford, ’26, preach a good, old-fash ioned gospel message, after which a large number of service men were won for the Lord. Serving in America Clarence (’24) and Mrs. Musser ( ’24) are now engaged in Jewish work in Cincinnati, O., after returning home from Japan where they spent many years as missionaries. Henry R. and Mrs.. Buhler (Gene vieve Woodward, ’33) are at Gila Bend, Ariz., where Mr. Buhler is pastor of the Community Church. George ( ’33) and Mrs. Smart are representing the Lord in Stewart, Nev’., an Indian mission field. Yes, coffee is rationed there, too, but they do have “Squaw-tea,” an Indian tea that grows just outside the church door and which is liked by every one.
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