GOSPEL TRACTS f a i * ★ For a limited time and in reasonable quantities, w e offer for prayerful free :dr distribution choice salvation leaflets- prepared by experienced tract writ er ers. Ask for samples, referring to this advertisement. Don't wait—win souls ★ today! ^ Address, K652 CO LPORTAG E D IV ISION MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE 153 INSTITUTE PLACE • CHICAGO, ILLINOIS STANDARD’S TRUE-TO -THE-B IBLE SUNDAYSCHOOL LESSONS Graded or Uniform, story papers, for all ages. Free prospectus, samples, catalog; mention grade. The Standard Publishing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio.
A re You Listening . . . to
over Station KPAS— 1110 kc. ? Every Saturday evening, 5:00 to 5:30. W. Harllee Bordeaux, Director. Hear Reid McCullough’s informing messages on “ Scripture Word Study,” during the month of August. Mus ic by consecrated student talent. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13. Calif. Your Boy andHis Preparatory School (Oddest. SONG BOOKS At PRAY FOR THE ARMED FORCES WhenThePeaceCones Just now you are considering the prob lem o f you r boy’s education fo r the fall. Th e excerpts from a letter w ritten by a Stony B rook boy now in the Marines to his preparatory school headm aster w ill g iv e you a glim pse o f w hat life a t Stony B rook m ight mean to you r boy. . . I just would like to any that my training at Stony Brook in athletics, class room work, and the greatest of all my Bible training are now going to help me wlipre nothing else oan. As I. sit here and write and think hank noon my four glori ous years at Stony Brook. I can just keep from breaking out in tears. “ As I go forward, where. I don’t know, I will always picture the quiet and peace ful life I spent at Stony Brook . . . ('Impel services in the morning, the Bible classes I attended, they now will help me in my battle wherever I may be, China, Philippines or Alaska. Wherever I be, in my pocket will be my small Testament and in me (I will give you my faithful word) l will he a witness for Christ and the best place any boy could be, Stony Brook . . ." Someday, and if God wills, may it be soon, Peace w ill come. And then for that World of Tomorrow let the Bible with its life saving message be taken to every home—in every land. The American Bible Society is ready to act for you in the necessary work o f Bible distri bution, of supplying Bibles, N ew Testaments or portions o f the Scriptures wherever they are needed and in whatever language. You can help in this glorious work with actual aid to yourself by securing an Ameri can Bible Society Annuity Agreement which returns as high as 7%. Investigate this Plan of Christian giving at once! Send for the booklet “ A Gift That Lives” —find happiness and lifelong security in its pages. MAJJL_ T_H_E _C 0_U_P 0 _ N _ T O DAY Now you can secure reduced prices on three Moody correspondence courses . . . some texts are shelf-worn, slightly damaged, or made up of different editions—but courses are com plete. (Bargain rates good only until Sept. 10 and do not apply to Class Study Plan.) Regular Special 1 Practical Christian Work Course...$6.00 $4.75 (stationery 78 cents extra) 2 Teacher Training Course .............. 8.00 , 6.75 (stationery $1.00 extra) 3 World-Wide Missions Course ........ 6.00 4.00 (stationery 80 cents extra ) NOTE: Half price to members of a corre spondence class of ten or more—free enroll ment to leader—if organized before Oct. 1, Dept. K—834 Send me information on □ special priced courses □ class plan Name _____________________________________________________ Address Enrollm ents should be made prom ptly fo r the fa ll t e r m which opens Septem ber 15. L o w er School begins w ith 5th g r a d e . F or catalogue and other publications, address the H eadm aster. Am erican Bible Society, Bible House, New York, N. Y. • Please send me, without obligation, your bookletKB36 entitled “ A Gift That Lives” Name ............................................................. Address ................................................ ......................... City ..................................... State ............. t o n y ß r o o k J c h o o l FR AN K E. GAEBE LE IN , Litt. D., Head master, Stony Brook, Long Island, N. Y. Please mention King's Business ody Bible Institute .13Ï IN STITU TE.P IA C E , CHICAGO
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