T U B K I N O ' S B U S I N E S S
4. "Ye shall do no unrighteousness" (v. 15). This statement pertains pri marily to matters of judgment, but this chapter shows in its entirety that holy living is to be expressed in all the phases and relationships of life. Godly living is not a matter for Sun day only, but s h o u l d characterize every day, every attitude, every action, and every association of the believer’s life. Golden Text Illustration 1 P e t e r 1:16 A Buddhist monk in Ceylon, who was acquainted with both Christianity and Buddhism, was once asked what he thought was the great difference be tween the two. He replied, “ There is much that is good in each of them, and probably in all religions. But what seems to me to be the greatest differ ence is that you Christians kno\y what is right and have the power to do it, while we Buddhists know what is right but have not any such power.” -God alone is able to say, “Be ye holy; for I am holy,” and only He has the power to make it possible for men to attain unto this holiness. —Adapted from The Expositor. In the Field of Boaz L eviticus 19:1-10, 33, 34; R u th 2 MEMORY VERSE: “The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord” (Psa. 33:5). AIM: To show God’s kindness to us, especially His greatest kindness in giv ing us the Lord Jesus Christ. APPROACH: Because many city chil dren never have seen a field of grain, and also because the method of har vesting is so dif ferent from that of Boaz’s t i me , the use of pictures or other visual a i d s is especially de sirable. You may begin by using a picture of a loaf of b r e a d, letting the children help you trace its history back to the grain from which the flour was made. LESSON STORY; Long ago, there lived a man named Boaz. He owned large fields. In those days, poor people could go to the fields, when the grain was ripe, and gather what was left behind after the reapers had done their work. That is why Ruth, the s t r a n g e r , went into the field of Boaz. Always be fore, she had lived in her own coun try, but now that her husband had died, she had come to this new land with her mother-in-law, Naomi, be cause Naomi’s home was there. Ruth came because she was trusting God, the h e a v e n l y Father, and she was showing that she loved Him and that she loved Naomi, too.
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2. "Ye shall be holy: for I the Lord your God am holy" (v. 2). Many con sider this verse the key verse of Leviti cus because it contains this funda mental statement which is also found throughout the entire Bible. God is holy. Because He is holy, He must deal with human sin in accordance with His holiness—thus the necessity for the cross. At Calvary God’s holi ness was vindicated and His justice satisfied, and He can now forgive sin ners. Those who receive the message of Calvary become the possessors of God’s holy nature, and are expected to give expression to that nature in daily living. It is useless to talk about being a Christian apart from holy living. The tree is known by the' fruit it bears. 3 "Turn ye not unto idols" (v. 4). The child of God is to live exclusively for. the glory of one God. The word used for idols here literally means "non-entities, nothings.” The Apostle
Paul may have had reference to this passage when he said in 1 Corinthians 8:4, “We know that an idol is nothing in the world.” And yet the world is full of idols. America has her idols. An idol isaanything that'men worship in place of God. It may be pleasure, money, popularity, education, position, or ego. It is rather deflating to the pride of man to learn that his cherish ed, gods are “ nothings.” They, are worthless and can never satisfy the human heart. B LA C K B O A R D LESSON
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