King's Business - 1943-08


August 1943


The first invitation asks us to receive something—ice cream and cake and a happy time. The second invitation asks us to give something—our help in an important work. The lesson today is about a man who received a two-in- one invitation like this, only his was spoken and not written on paper. LESSON: The man’s name was Ho- bab. He was a relative of Moses. Ho- bab’s home had been in a country that the children of Israel did not know very well. Moses invited him to travel with them in their journey to the land God had promised to them. If he went, Hobab would receive something—the joy of being with the Lord’s people and of sharing the good things that God gave them. He could give something, too—his help along the way. Of course it would have been wrong for Moses and the people to have looked to Ho­ bab, or to ahybody else, as their guide instead of God, for He was their true Leader. There is another invitation, more im­ portant than the ones I have brought this morning, or the invitation Hobab received. It is the one that the heav­ enly Father gives each of us. He asks us to become His child by receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour. When we accept the Lord Jesus Christ, we receive forgiveness for our sins, and everlasting life with Him in heaven (John 3:16, etc.). But there is something we can give, too. We give our love and service to the Lord Jesus, and our obedience to His com­ mandments (1 John 4:19j John 14:15). OBJECTS: Invitations to a party, a graduation, and a wedding; a card­ board on which is printed, “Come thou with us, and we w ill do thee good” (Num. 10:29), concealed in a large envelope; two sheets of writing paper, and two envelopes. ’ LESSON: How would you like to be invited to a party? It would be better still to be invited to a wedding. I brought three invitations with me— one is to attend a party, another is for Object Lesson “ U ” “ R ” IjiV X T E D

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a graduation, and the third is for a wedding. Here is one from the Bible which reads, “Come thou with us, and we will do thee good.” It was first given by Moses to Hobab, and you may find it in Numbers 10:29. God has given many invitations. It iS interesting to notice the differences between earthly invitations and the ones God gives. Man’s invitations are for a short time. God’s are for eternity. This party invitation says, “ From 2 to 4 in the afternoon.” God’s invita­ tion says, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life” (John 3:36). The invitations from friends often include four letters, “R. S. V. P.,” which stand for French words meaning, “An­ swer, if you please.” In society it is considered impolite to neglect to give your friend an answer to such an in­ vitation as this. People who receive God’s invitations very often do not treat them with as much respect as they do ordinary in­ vitations. He desires a reply, and they refuse to answer. I wish we might make a reply to God’s invitation. In order that it may seem more real, I have brought two sheets of paper on which to write the answer. On one I have written, “I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Sav­ iour, and w ill accept the invitation to be present at the meeting with Him which is called the marriage supper of the Lamb.” I am signing my name to this letter. Would you like to sign your name? If so, just where you are, bow your head and silently tell God you are accepting His invitation. On the other paper I have written, “I w ill not come. Have me excused.” No one would wish to come up and sign this letter. But there are many who, by refusing to accept God’s invitation, are giving Him this answer.

man with (Read .”)* men. John,ny was the only God’s Word in his possess! our story “1Met God on a What if Bartek hadn’t 1 Or, what if no one had had of God with him? But, because Bible was there, the world rel back almost “frojn the dead” \men whose lives- were completely changed. Your Sunday School deserves \he Bible 'just as much as men on rub! rafts. Ethics, the Golden Rule, soci service will not do. No, nothing shot# o f the Bible. And when you use the MIL MBl® <§®M)H®> SH®I of SundaySchool Lessons •your boys and girls D O get the Bible, even the frequently neglected portions, from Beginners to , Seniors—five departments in all. Moreover, the / A L L BIBLE SERIES is soundly graded depart-/ mentally, with specially prepared flannelgrapn aids for Beginner. Primary and Junior depart ments. The worship program may be geared ) the lesson each Sunday. The pupil '‘gets” t lesson through fascinating manuals. Teen-i interest is captured. And, in addition to all jrnis, the series is economical to adopt and main there? Word the seived tin “Thank God fdt your Testament, son,” saidCapt.Rickenbacker toJohnny Bartek as they were being hauled t6 safety. For 21 trying days as the party drifted across the Pacific^that portion of the Bible had been tnfe only source of comfort, hope and light\o the seven

SEPTEMBER 19, 1943 THE SIN OF MOSES AND AARON N u m b e r s 20

THE SCRIPTURE PRESS. Inc. •OO N. Clark S t., Chicago, III. >B-83 Please send me FREE copies o f A LL BIBLE Graded Series o f Sunday School Lessons, Teachersand Pupils Manuals, for _Dept(s). I enclose 10c toward mailing cost. •Also copy o f ” 1 MetGodon a Raft,'* Barter's story. Nnnt* Address _ atu — la m □ Pastor, □ Supt., □ Teacher ,o/__ - j ftouvmk Dept.

Numbers 20:1—Then came the children of Israel, even the whole congregation, Into the desert of Zin in the first month: and the peo­ ple abode in Kadesh; and Miriam died there, and was buried there. 2 And there was no water for the congre­ gation: and they gathered themselves to­ gether against Moses and against Aaron. 3 And the people chode with Moses, and spake, saying, Would God that we nad died when our brethren died before the Lord! 4 And why have ye brought up the con­ gregation of the Lord into this wilderness,

that we and our cattle should die there? 5 And wherefore have ye made us to come up out of Egypt, to bring us in unto this evil place? it is no place of seed, or of figs, or of vines, or of pomegranates; neither is there any water to drink. 6 And Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and they fell upon their faces: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto them. 7 And the Lord spake unto Moses, say­ ing.

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