King's Business - 1943-08


August 1943

have remembered that He gave them places to stay and food to eat on all the long journey to the new country that was to be their home. (Mention some of the instances.) Once, during this trip, they became thirsty, and they quar­ reled with Moses, their leader, and said something like this: “Why did you bring us here? ‘It is no place of seed, or of figs, or of vines . . . neither is there any water to drink’ ” (v. 5). The Lord must have been sad when the people did not trust Him. Even Moses did not obey Him. The Lord told Moses to take his rod, or walking stick, and call the people to a certairi rock. He said to Moses, “Speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth . . . water” (v 8). Moses was so angry with the people that he struck the rock twice instead of speak­ ing to it, as the Lord had said. The Lord was sorry that Moses did not obey Him, and Moses was sorry later, too. But now we see .how loving our heavenly Father is, for He did not say,

rock?” (v. 10). (4) It was a public offense. It was “in the eyes of the children of Israel.” God was dishon­ ored before all*the people. It seemed as t h o u g h Moses and Aaron be­ grudged them God’s favors. (5) It was also a sin of unbelief. This appears to be the most serious part of the sin. “Because ye believed me not” (v. 12) is the reason Moses and Aaron were not privileged to lead Israel into the Promised Land. But in spite of the failure of His leaders at this time, God' manifested His grace by bringing forth the water from the rock in an abun­ dant supply. One of the South’s leading business men relates the following as his own experience: “My father was an invalid, and as his son it fell to me to manage his affairs. On one occasion I had more than the usual amount of over­ seeing to do, and I asked Father, who was able to be about a little, whether he would do *the chores around home that day. He assented, but when I re­ turned late, tired and worn, he told me that he had not done what he promised to do. The hot words were just ready to leap out, but somehow I choked them back, and said, ‘It’s all right, Father, I’m not so very tired after all.’ “ I started off, but Father called me back, and laying his hand on my head, he said, ‘George, you’re the best son a father ever had; God bless you.’ I went to my tasks and performed them. •When I returned, my Father could not speak to me—he was done with' all earthly tasks—but from that day to this, whenever the temptation to anger has come, IJiave felt the pressure of his hand upon my head.” —The Sunduy School Times. Golden Text Illustration E phesians 4:26 When the People Wanted Water N umbers 20 MEMORY VERSE: “The Lord will hear when I call unto him” (Psa. 4:3). AIM: To show God’s continual kind­ ness. APPROACH: This morning will you help me to remember to give some­

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thing to e a c h of you when the les­ son is over? (Have ready either tiny cups or pictures of cups to which the Memory Verse has been attached.) LESSON STORY: Our lesson is about men and w o m e n

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and boys and girls who forgot spme- thing. They were the Lord’s people, the children of Israel, and they forgot that their loving heavenly Father always would take care of them! They should 5 - D i v is io n

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