King's Business - 1943-08

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


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Moses' Good-by D e u t e r o n o m y 11:13-32

YOU CAN HELP! Our Christian brethren in Russia and Canada need our help now as never before. Send us your gifts fo r these Russian Christians so that we can relieve their suffer­ ing. A L L RU SSIAN E V A N G E L IC A L C H R IS T IA N UNION 156 Fifth A ve., N ew York, 10, N. Y. W e can make good use of your OLD CLOTHING. Don't throw it away; send it to us.

MEMORY VERSE: “A ll that the Lord hath said w ill we do, and be obedient” (Ex. 24:7). AIM: To create a love for, the Word of God. APPROACH: Sometimes we build a house with blocks, and we use a big,

strong block at the bottom, so that all the others may rest on it. The big block is the most impor­ tant of all.

Object Lesson A T e l e s c o p e T e l l s

OBJECT: A paper telescope. (Use a piece of adding machine paper 2% inches wide and 7% feet long. Roll tightly until the diameter is approxi­ mately 1% inches. Paste the end of the paper on the outside, to keep it from unrolling. Print the- word “ NA­ TION” on the roll. Wet your finger, place it on the inside of the roll, and pull the inside down, until the tele­ scope is approximately 32 inches long. Print down from the word “ NATION” with a crayon, the words, “RIGHT­ EOUSNESS EXALTETH A,” each letter on a separate layer. Push the tele­ scope back together and pull it out again in the opposite direction, with the small end up. Print down toward the word “NATION” the words, “ SIN IS A REPROACH TO ANY.” Push the. telescope back together before begin­ ning the lesson.) LESSON: This roll of paper has the word “NATION” on it. Have you ever wondered why nations rise and fall? [Raise and lower the hand holding the roll.] Nations in the past have come to great power, and then have fallen and passed away. If we make this roll of paper into a telescope, perhaps it will help us to see why nations rise and fall. [L ift the word “NATION” and pull the center down.] Letters are appear­ ing on the outside of the telescope. Ordinarily we look on the inside of a telescope, but this one has something on the outside. You will notice that the word “NATION” is rising. Now we can read the words, “RIGHTEOUS­ NESS EXALTETH A NATION.” When the people of any nation live righteous­ ly, the nation is exalted. Let us see if the telescope w ill tell us why nations fall. We will put it back together. [Pull the center up and let the word “NATION” go down.] Again, letters are appearing on the outside of the telescope, but they are not the same letters we saw the other time. The word “NATION” is going down. Now we can read the words, “SIN IS A REPROACH TO ANY NATION.” The words on this telescope remind us of those found in Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” This was true of the children of Israel, and it has been true of every nation since that day.

- LESSON STORY: Moses could not be w i t h the Lord’s s*Division people always, so he talked to them one day about something that was most important to them and to us, too. He showed that in their livgs, the Word of God was needed first of all. Moses said something like this: “The Word of God is so important that you should learn by heart what the Lord has said. You should teach His Word to your children. When you are sitting in your house with your family or friends, or when you are taking a walk, or even when you are going to sleep at night or waking in the morning, you s h o u l d think of the precious words of the Bible. If you want other p e o p l e to know God’s Word, too, you can put Bible verses on your walls.” Moses told the people, too, that they must do what the Bible says, not just know the words. But if they would learn His Word and obey it, the Lord promised that they would be very happy and that they would have a large, pleasant place in which to live. Moses asked them a question something like this: “Which do you choose? W ill you learn and obey God’s Word and have all the good things that go with it? Or will you forget God’s Word?”

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We must answer that question, too. Shall we give our answer in today’s Memory Verse? “A ll that the Lord hath said w ill we do, and be obedi­ ent” (Ex. 24:7). "THE WAY OF | f l C T O R Y n IS in the Word ffl i Read the book by Address 1 if James H. McConkey Silver Publishing Society ra Ijl D»pt. K y||f Sent Free Bessemer Building W Q n R f Pittsburgh, Pa. W “

There are two sett of texts which prove clearly the whole great teaching concerning the life of Victory. Read then.

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