King's Business - 1943-08


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

A NEW MOSES ARR IVES ! Moses Guibbory, new “Almighty, God’’ bi Palestine writes a NEW BIBLE!—promoted in America by BOAKE CARTER—Get this most amazing story—and beware! August ‘Prophecy Monthly* R E A D A LSO answer to article in the . liberal Christian. Century— ‘ ‘The P e r­ fect Christ and the Im perfect Jesus.” “ Groping: Prayers o f W artim e—W hat . £ are they w orth?” “ W ill the Temple be Rebuilt in Jerusalem?” ,Other .most v tim ely articlesv in , fhis important Au- . 'gust issue. ' Am erican Prophetic League, Inc., in­ vestigates cults, isms, strange philos-. -ophies and movements and supplies authentic reports in its M A G A Z IN E and other publications. Also publish­ es finest Bible helps—Pre-m illennial and fundamental. W rite today for .ROOK' B U L L E T IN S . AMERICAN PROPHETIC LEAGUE, Inc. Box BB, Eagle Rock Sta., ; Los Angeles 41, Calif. Christmas Cards We need 500 Christian Workers to sell our splendid religious line of Christmas and every­ day greetings, calendars, stationery, sacred music, plaques, mottoes, Bibles, and books. Send for our large catalog and commission rates. THE BOONE PUBLISHING COMPANY P. O. Box 200 Des Moines, Iowa A New Book You W ill Want—Just O ff Pre$s METHODS OF WITNESSING TO ROMAN CATHOLICS By James L. Carder Missionary to South'America Dr. Harry A. Ironside, pastor o f Moody Me­ m orial Church, Chicago, in his Foreword to this book says, " . . . The author, . . has pro­ duced a work which should be of great value to those beginning p ministry of the type re­ ferred' to .j Like the Apostle Paul, he believes in becoming all things to all men if by any means he might save some. 1 am glad to introduce Ihis. book to Christian workers An excellent text book fo r Bible classes and classes on personal, soul winning. 48 pages and Single copy 25 cents. 5 copies for $1.00. THE FUNDAMENTAL PRESS, Publishers 161 W. Harrison St., Dept. BB-83 Chicago 5, III. $1 a Y E A R arid a F R E E copy of NEW EDITION o f “ Spirit-of- Truth Chart’* — comparing teach- ings o f seven leading religious c u l t s with- Bible statements. • (August issue, 10c).

from his sins by the bloqd of the Lord Jesus (Rev. 1:5)? Do I experience daily cleansing (John 15:3; 1 John 1:9)? 2. Have I honestly yielded my life to Him without reserve, desiring that Christ shall be glorified (Rom. 12:2; Phil. 1:20)? Oswald Chambers says: "I am con­ vinced that it is not holiness nor good­ ness that makes me blessed of God, but absolute abandon. I am concerned for only one thing—Jesus Christ shall have His way.” 3. What ate my attitudes toward God (IThess. 2:4; Eph, 2:13; 6:6-8); to­ ward service (Lk. 17:10; 1 Cor. 9:16); toward others (Phil. 2:3; 1 Cor. 3:7-9; Rom. 12:10; 1 Thess. 5:12, 13), and to­ ward myself (Rom. 12:3; 1 Cor. 4:6, 7; 15:10)? II. WHAT IS-MY MESSAGE IN WORD AND DEED? 1. Do I see my friends, relatives, and business associates as eternally lost, Without hope, if they are outside of Christ? Does it mean anything to me that God could use even my life to point them to Himself, and thus out of death into life? 2. Is my life in harmony with that which I believe and tell others? Do I seek to know God’s w ill? Do I obey His w ill (1 Sam. 15:22)? Do I grieve the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:30-32)? Do I know the meaning of Christian cpur- tesy (Rom. 12:10)? Do I really trust Him in the time of crisis? III. WHAT ENERGIZES MY ACTIV­ ITY? 1. Do I know the difference be­ tween service “ in the Spirit” and “in the flesh” (John 6:63; Rom. 8:5-10)? 2. Do I rely on my own talents and innate ability (2 Cor. 3:5; 9:8)? 3. Are my motives pure? Is the praise of men sweeter to me than the praise of God (Col. 3:23, 24)? 4. Do I wait on the Lord in prayer­ ful Bible study and meditation before speaking for Him to a group CHeb. 4:12; 1 Cor. 4:20; Jas. 1:5)? 5. Am I unselfish even at a real—or fancied—cost to myself (2 Cor. 9:22, 23) ? . 6. Am I easily discouraged, forget­ ting that discouragement is never from the Lord (Isa. 42:4; Josh. 1:9)? ' Conclusion Honest answers from sincere hearts should cause each of us to acknowl­ edge our need of going on into a rich­ er, fuller life in Christ. The past fa il­ ures need not be discouraging! Take the stand with Paul as recorded in Philip­ pians 3:13-15. The past with its fa il­ ures or successes is put behind, and there is- the new challenge, the new devotion to press on! Our goal is to know Christ (Phil. 3:10; 1 Cor. 2:2).

comprehension, so also is what He is able to do for us. There is no limita­ tion upon the Lord Jesus. Therefore, we should trust Him for everything and with everything. 2. The power of Christ is now work­ ing in us. It is our privilege to trust Him, and to permit Him to have His way in our lives. i In the coming year, let us trust the Lord to care fo r ,our individual prob­ lems. As a society, let us meet God’s conditions, and expect exceeding abun­ dant things from Him—beginning right now! For the Leader Prepare a large circle divided into four sections, and after each speaker place one of the following words, matching the topic, in one of the sec­ tions: KNOW, GROW, LIVE, TRUST. This will represent your full and bal­ anced year. SEPTEMBER 26, 1943 LEARN ING TO BE EFFECTIVE WORKERS P h il i p p ia n s 3:13-15 By Morena Holmes Downing Introduction Many an anxious person has heard the family physician say, “My advice to you would be to see a specialist at once!” There are specialists for physi­ cal needs, specialists in every realm of life. But in the most wonderful busi­ ness in' all the world, specialists are hard to find. Prepared persons, whose chief purpose is to glorify Christ in their lives and-service,, are rare. Dispensing with generalities, we need to be definite in answering some questions—not for our friends and acquaintances, but for ourselves. How easy it is tcTsee the faults and failures of others, and yet be blind to our own! May the Spirit of God search each heart by the questions set forth and the light shed upon them by the Word of God- For Those Who Have Topics I. WHAT IS MY HEART CONDITION? 1., Am I a new creation in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17), one who has been washed

YOU WANT THE BEST in VISUAL AIDS A new movable, realistic, picture method of tell­ ing Bible stories or preaching illustrated sermons. Holds your class spellbound. Discipline problems solved. Give it a try in your class. You’ll be surprised at the results. Children want to learn and they clamour for this new way of presenting Bible truths. You w ill double your attendance. Write for free folder tellifig all about this new method of teaching to—i ST0RY-0-GRAPHS, Dept K, P. O. Box 14 5 , Pasadena, Calif.


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