King's Business - 1943-08


August 1943

DAILY Devotional Readings Our Lord, w h e n here on earth, searched wherever the f e e t of His weary saints would have to tread, and He put His feet just there. He has gone through all the circumstances of the wilderhess, He knows what all the testing and trials mean in a way in­ finitely beyond the experience Of the ripest saint, for He has passed through it, apart from the deadening, dulling, wasteful experiences of sin. —S. Ridout. 9.

Divine Escort “ Fear not to go down into Egypt; ... I w ill go down with thee into Egypt” (Gen. 46:3, 4). Naturally, there would be much con­ cern and a certain amount of mis­ giving in pulling up stakes and start­ ing for a strange larf'd where popular reception could easily be registered by an interrogation point But the step was taken and the reassuring word given. We can well Imagine the happy frame of mind with w h i c h Jacob awoke the next morning! Nothing to fear, for God was to accompany him right into the very heart ,of Egypt itself. No child of God needs fear when he has this Divine Escort —Pameii. 10 . For His Name's Sake “He Ieadeth me in the paths of righteousness for h is name’s sake” (Psa. 23:3). How blessed it is to know that when we have by deliberate choice made the Lord our Shepherd, He becomes our Leader. He leaves us in no doubt as to what is right and what is wrong. He so powerfully moves the soul, that we lovingly dream of right paths, then avidly desire them; then again ear­ nestly seek them; and so does He di­ rect and grip us that we loyally adhere to them. And He guides us for His Name’s sake.—Joseph Pearce. 11. Our High Priest "And for their sakes I sanctify my­ self, that they also might be sanctifiée through the truth” (John 17:19). A ll hail, atoning blood! A ll hail, redeeming grace! A ll hail, the gift of Christ our Lord, Our strength and righteousness. —Selected. FREE. Tom Olson's Popular Tracts Write at once for an assorted package of them for prayerful distribution. LeTourneau Evangelistic Center Suite 607E 1270 6th Ave. New York,' 20, N. Y.

1. Resurrection Life “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection” (Phil. 3:10). Oh, let me know The power of Thy resurrection; Oh, let me show Thy risen life in calm and clear reflection. Oh, let me soar Where Thou, my Saviour Christ, art gone before; In mind and heart Let me dwell always, only where Thou art. Oh, let me give Out of the gifts Thou freely givest; Oh, let me live With life abundantly because Thou livest; Oh, make m.e shine In darkest places, for Thy Light is mine; Oh, let me sing ■ For very* joy because Thou are my , King. —Frances Ridley Havergal. 2. Looking for Him “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God a n d our Saviour Jesus Christ” (Tit. 2:13). To me the second coming is the per­ petual light on the path which makes' the present bearable. I never lay my . head on my pillow without thinking that, maybe, b e f o r e the morning breaks, the final morning may have dawned! I never begin my work with­ out thinking that, perhaps He may in­ terrupt my work, and begin His own! This is now His word to all believing souls, till He come. We are not looking for death, we are looking for Him! —G. Campbell Morgan. 3. At His Side “ Fight the good fight of faith” (1 Tim. 6:12). It is a tough battle which the Chris­ tian is called to fight, not one which carpet knights might win. It is a life­ long war; a contest which Tyill require all our strength, if we are to be tri­ umphant; a battle at which the stout­ est heart might quail; a fight from which the bravest would shrink, did he not remember that the Lord is on his side; therefore w h o m shall he fear?—Charles Haddon Spurgeon. 4. Find His Footprints “ For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps” (1 Pet 2:21).

5. Better Than Sight “And Abraham said, My son, God w ill provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together” (Gen. 22:8). Faith grows under the test of the unknown. Its strength increases by its own exercise. To such growing faith God’s secrets are disclosed. Just as to Abraham was given the experience of the provided lamb, with all its spiritu­ al significance, to the obedient believ-. er, who is willing to stake his all upon God’s fidelity, is given an ever-enlarg­ ing knowledge of t h e Lamb who taketh away the sin of the world. —J. Stuart Holden. 6 . The Miracle “My God s h a l l be my strength” (Isa. .49:5). Oh, do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men! Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the- doing of your work s h a l l be no miracle, but you shall be a miracle. Every day you shall wonder at your­ self at the richness of life that has come to you by the grace of God. —Phillips Brooks. Standing True “Behold, we c o u n t them happy which endure” (Jas. 5 :il). Dying for one’s faith may be much easier than living for it. To stand steadfast for an hour, to be heroic in some final struggle where issues are sharply joined, to make the supreme sacrifice for conviction’s sake, may not be so hard as the long endurance of lonely and unappreciated years. The record kept in heaven w ill make no mistake there. —Sunday School Worker. His Call “I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners t o repentance” (Matt. 9:13). I hear Thy welcome voice That calls me Lord to Thee For cleansing in the precious blood That flowed on Calvary. 7. 8.

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