T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
It is the g e n i u s of the Deity to create, and then when His creation is spoiled, to redeem and remake by the exercise of His love and grace. —Newman Watts. 14. Divine Surprises “I w ill rejoice in thy salvation” (Psa. 9:14). Faith should have an element of shining expectancy, for there are a l ways new lessons to be learned, new truths to be understood, new victories to be won. The Lord can teach His children to open a day as if it were a jeweler's box—hopeful of finding the hours set with precious stones. —Judith Stevens. 15. Jesus Himself “ And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reason ed, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them” (Lk. 24:15). There’s One alone- the soul can save, And make the timid spirit brave; ’Tis He who triumphed o’er the grave— Jesus Himself. There’s One alone can conquer sin, And victory for the tempted win, Can fill the soul with peace within— Jesus Himself. Today the Saviour is the same, As when from Heaven to earth He came, He understands, He knows our frame— Jesus Himself. —F. Buckley. ,16. In His Fulness “And suddenly, w h e n they had looked round about, they saw no man any more, save Jesus only with them selves” (Mk. 9:8). Only Jesus with us! The fish in the Pacific has but a cupful to swim in compared to the sinner that is shut up to Jesus on ly... It has pleased the Father that in Jesus should all fulness dwell and He is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and re demption. We may be filled with all the fulness of God and surely we can not be poverty-stricken when we are shut up to “ all fulness.” It cannot be considered a hardship to be shut up to infinity.—Frederic W. Farr. 17. only Instruments “We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain.” (2 Cor. 6 : 1 ). We cannot do Christ’s work — our hands are too clumsy for anything so delicate, so sacred; but when we put ourselves into the hands of Christ, His wisdom, His skill, and His gentleness flow through us, and the work is done. Christ and we do it—not we alone, for we could not do it. But He is pleased
We need to be sustained and sur rounded in this way of faith, for we are beset with infirmities and the road is not always easy to travel. We need a great High Priest to sympathize with us and to succor us and to save us to the uttermost as we come to God by Him; and this great office has been bestowed upon Jesus, our Saviour. —J. T. Mawson. 12. Intercepted ..“While he yet spake, there came from the r u l e r of the synagogue’s house certain which said, Thy daugh ter, is dead; why tioublest thou, the Master any further?” (Mk. 5:35). The little girl, like the man -at the Bethesda pool, had been forestalled by some one else. What feelings should we cherish when we find our future blocked by some intercepting person or influence? John the Baptist’s experience points the way to peace of mind, “He that cometh after me is preferred before me.” Nothing that any of us receives from Christ will deprive another soul of the good he seeks. The woman and the little girl were both restored. His ‘virtue is not exhausted by the first comer, He can heal the last comer as easily as the first. —John MacBeath. . 13. Strength to the Weak “He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds” (Psa. 147:3). That is just what God can and does do with broken human material; whether broken in spirit, soul or body. He can so redeem life, that “the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,” but rather the lame take the prey and the weak, they are the strong. v
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