August 1943
to take us' up, and use us as instru ments Jo work out His will. . “Be Thou supreme, Lord Jesus Christ, My inmost being fill; So shall I think as Thou dost think, And w ill as Thou dost will,” —Biblical Research Monthly. 18. God's Word Purifies ' “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by t a k i n g heed thereto according to thy word” (Psa. 119:9). Christ cleanses His Church ,through the Word, as in a laver of water. We read the Bible for purposes of a truer knowledge of God and His ways, and for spiritual quickening; but let us use it more frequently as the bath of the spirit. Let us bathe in it. Let us revel in vit. We cannot help having a nature keenly susceptible to evil; we cannot avoid being tempted; but God waits t,o assist us.—F. B. Meyer. 19. The Glory Is God's “If any man speak,... if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth; that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ: to whom* be praise” (1 Pet. 4:11). God is not concerned with putting us where we can best demonstrate our ability nor even where we can be of most “service” but only where we can best glorify Him. He may even take us out of active service and “ sentence” us to what seems dreariest iailure, that He might have the preeminence. It does not matter whether you are being “ appreciated” or “recognized” or “ used” as you think you should; but is God glorifying Himself in you? —Vance Havner. 20. Guided with the Eye “I w ill instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I w ill guide thee with mine eye” (Psa. 32:8). How can He guide us thus unless we walk near enough to Him to catch the glance, and take the direction of His eye? Alas! that so many of us are “ as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle” (Psa. 32:9).—V. H. Brookes. 21. Rowing on the River of Grace “If so be that ye continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast” (Col. 1:23, R. V.). “Grounded,” “steadfast.” The first of these two words has special refer ence to the foundations by which be lievers are supported; the second one suggests the inward strength which believers themselves possess. Is this not a most fruitful hint? If we are to make real progress we must both rest in Christ and e x e r t our own strength, even as In rowing, the oars man depends upon the water to buoy
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up his boat while at the same tiirte he relies upon his own strength of arm to pull the boat through the water. —Norman C, Bartlett. 22. Holding the Ropes “ Brethren, pray for us” (1 Thess. 5:25). Down beneath the mighty ocean Divers plunge for treasure rare, But men hold the ropes above them So they breathe the. upper air; Seeking pearls of richest value, Braver hearts have dared to go; But our hands must every moment Hold the ropes that reach below. So amid the heathen darkness There are heroes, true and brave, Shrinking not from death or danger, Bearing all to help and save. But they cry, “Oh do not leave us ’Mid these dreadful depths to drown, Let us feel your prayers around us; Hold the ropes as we go down.” —Selected. 23. ' Cords That Bind God “They... limited the Holy 'One of Israel” (Psa. 78:41). “He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief? (Matt. 13:58). The Sovereign God can be limited by puny man. Man possesses “ cords” which can “ bind” the Almighty. When God made man, He. imposed a limit upon Himself. He set a boundary He might not cross—man’s free will. Men may whine that they “ did not have a chance,” who did not take advantage of the chances they had. They were more Interested in their own way, than in seeking God. It is by this w illfu l ness that God is bound. His love seeks out all, but few will accept the sal vation God offers in Christ. His mercy is great—but His “flock” is small. —Upward.
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