T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
STUDYING WITH PROFIT [Continued from Page 283]
the Lord well on in years who are availing themselves of a short term of intensive study. Some are students who are not yet out ■of high school, young men who in this way are stor ing up t r a i n i n g in the use of the Sword of the Spirit before they may be called to bear arms for their coun try. From high-school y o u t h to gray- haireu maturity, the summer school students present a picture of diversi fied background and perhaps diverse needs, but the aim is the same. A spirit of earnestness prevails as they gather around the Word of God in the fellowship of common purpose.-
The author, himself a learned sci entific man, has the ability of making difficult scientific truths interesting to every one. Put this book in the hands of the high-school and college-age y o u n g people. It will help their faith, and, Consequently, their lives. 246 pages. Fundamental Truth Publishers, Find lay, Ohio. Cloth. Price $1.50. A Good Soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ By James Putt Written in the vernacular of a sol dier, this book is an open letter to service men based on Ephesians 6:10- 17. Young men are urged to be strong, fearless soldiers of Jesus Christ while in the armed forces, and the way of victory is clearly set forth through the soldier’s appropriation of the whole armor of God. The book is excellent in encouragement, warning, and prac tical suggestion. 64 pages. Fulton Book Shop, Fulton, IllvPaper. Price 50 cents. The Parables and Metaphors of Our Lord By G. Campbell Morgan In the first chapter of this book, Dr. Morgan gives three reasons for our Lord’s use of the parable in His teaching. They are: “ to help men to see - [spiritual truths]” “to quicken their power of hearing,” and “ to lure them toward the forgiveness and the mercy of God.” The. author seems to have adopted these same aims in his masterly interpretation and explana tion of the forty-eight parables of the Gospels, and the related “ parabolic illustrations.” The reader finds many spiritual truths made plain, questions answered, and his understanding of these portions of the Word increased. The treatise for each parable ap peals to the heart, is long enough to' be fully informative, and brief enough to be stimulating. This is a book which can be heartily recom mended for the use of the adult Bible student, teacher, or minister. 352 pages. Fleming H. Revell Co., 158 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Cloth. Price $3.00. Inspiring Gospel Solos and Duets Compiled by Haldor Lillenas This attractive book of gospel solos and duets contains some of the more substantial of the new numbers: a variety of consecration, devotional, and invitational songs. A few of the old hymns are included. Among the solos, those for the lower voices—alto and baritone—as well as those of higher range are found. The publish ers are to be commended on the clar ity of printing of the words, as well as the score. 150 pages. Lillenas Pub. Co., 2923 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Paper.'Single copy, 60 cents; two cop ies, $1.00; twelve copies, $5.00, post paid.
The summer session opened June 21, with an enrollment which exceeds expectations for this war year. Even with wat activities and employment pressing heavily upon all America, God has called a group aside to be come better acquainted with His Word. Some of these are defense workers w h o s e working shift permits their attendance at morning classes. Some are nurses who _can arrange working hours. Some are public school teach ers making profitable use of a sum mer vacation. Some are servants of
Our Literature Table
Satan’s Fifth Column By W. Norman Greenway
kind. In this volume that objection is very ably answered. Throughout the book, the author reminds the reader that the way td a true revival is the way of prayer. 177 pages. American Tract Society, New York, N. Y. Cloth. Price $1.50.
A war, not physical, but spiritual and more real, is set forth in this book which shows the subtle attacks of Satan’s fifth column upon, the cardinal truths of Christianity. That fifth col umn is modernism, rampant in the world today and yet' traceable down through the ages and found in the spirit of murderous Cain. The author is fearless in his presentation of Satan. At the same time, the exposition con cerning the deity and atoning work of the Lord Jesus' Christ is clear and em phatic. Here is a book of-contrast be tween the perverted gospel as pro claimed by modernism, and the reality of sin and salvation as set forth in the Word of God. 166 pages. Zonder- van Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1:00. Religious Progress Through Religious Revivals By Frank G. Beardsley The work of the true historian is not done when he has set forth the facts of history; he must also interpret their meaning in an unbiased way. This is exactly what Dr. Beardsley has done in this excellent little vol ume. He writes briefly of the history of the various, revivals within the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, espe cially the American branch, and then he shows what these revivals have meant and accomplished in the social aspects of the lives of the people of the time of the revival. One objection often raised against revivals within the church is that they deal with the souls of individuals, and that they do not give attention to the social, the economic, the political, and the international problems of man
The Christ of the Ages By Frank G. Beardsley
The theme of this volume is stated in the words’ of the author in his in troduction, when he says: “ In our present study we shall accept as our p r i n c i p a l contention the evidential value of Christian history in substan tiating the claims of Christianity as a God-given and divinely revealed re ligion.” This purpose is accomplished by the author in four separate books: Book 1—The Preparation for Christianity. Book 2—The Preservation and Tri umph of Christianity. Book 3—The Expansion of Christianity. Book 4— The F r u i t s of Christianity. W h i l e many w ill not agree with the author’s teaching on the universal Fatherhood of God and the universal brotherhood of man, the present work is helpful in showing the history and the fruits of Christianity. 336 pages. American Tract Society, New York, N. Y. Cloth. Price $1.50. Treating of such subjects as: “Mat ter,” “Life,” “The Starry Universe,” “Water and Air,” “ Animal Life,” and “The Human Body,” Dr. Brown shows how unpractical and impossible is the supposition that things just happened and that there could be any other <■luse for these things than an omnip otent, all-wise Supreme Being, known to us as Jehovah-God. Footprints of God By Arthur I. Brown
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