King's Business - 1943-08


August 1943

David Brainerd: The Man of Prayer By Oswald J. Smith Dr. Smith has shown both inspira­ tion and discretion in his compiling of the material in this little book. The four chapters consist of excerpts from the diary of David Brainerd, and are entitled, “ Preparation for the Minis­ try,” “Preaching to the Indians,” “The Great Awakening,” and “Last Illness and Death.” The reader’s mind and spirit are gripped by the graphic account of the longings of the soul of David Brainerd for the revelation of God’s grace and power in his life and work. His days and nights of fasting and agonizing prayer were rewarded by a rich ingath­ ering of souls among the American Indians. Jonathan Edwards declared: “ Brain­ erd was but twenty-nine years of age when he died, and yet . . . he lived longer and accomplished more than most men of seventy.” A. J. Gordon, in his foreword to this book, says of this great man of prayer and missionary accomplishment: " A ft­ er he was dead, William Carey read his life and went to India; Robert McCheyne read his diary and went to the Jews; Henry Martyn read his jour­ nal and went to India. . . . The mar­ velous missionary revival of the nine­ teenth century is due more to- his prayers than to any other thing.” . This is ' a book which is spiritually helpful, stimulating to a deeper prayer life. It encourages one to a- complete dependence upon God. 86 pages. Zon- dervan- Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich, Cloth, 75 cents; Paper, 50 cents. This is a multigraphed, thirty-four page autobiography of the author. Mr, Polin’s description of his early life in Russia as one of nine children in a family adhering strictly to the Jewish laws and customs, is inspiring. While he does not include much informative material regarding the Jewish belief, he impresses the reader with the hard­ ships of life “ under the law," and the persecution suffered at the hands of loved ones by the Hebrew who ac­ cepts the Lord as his Messiah. Samuel M. Poliri, P. O. Box 206, Los Angeles, Calif. Paper. Price 25 cents. .High in the mountainous regions of Yunnan, China, there dwells an aboriginal tribe, the Nosu. Until, Chris­ tian missionaries came, this tribe was characterized by demon-possession, superstition, and cruelties. But as the missionaries labored to sink a gospel shaft into the Nosu heart, there was found a real, spiritual mine of be­ lievers. One by one, bright, sparkling Anchored in Christ By Samuel M. Polin Nosu Nuggets By Dan Smith

nuggets were lifted by the grace of God out of the vile quarry of Yunnan sin. Nosu Nuggets is the story of this process—thrilling accounts of remark­ able conversions and challenging con­ secrations. 46 pages. China Inland Mis­ sion, 237 W. School Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Paper. Price 20 cents. The Alphabet of Christiah Experience By John J . Van Gorder Here is an intriguing presentation of the wilderness journeyings and en­ campments of the children of Israel. There is a chapter for every letter of the alphabet. From the events de­ scribed, the author has drawn striking spiritual lessons and has applied them to Christian experience today. The book is an excellent Biblical study. 160 pages. Fundamental Truth Publishers, Findlay, Ohio. Cloth. Price $1.00. New Radio Songs and Choruses of the Gospel, No. 4 By Wendell P. Loveless and Robert C. Loveless - Sixty-nine selections comprise this usable book. There are a-number of gospel choruses, but there are also longer selections suitable for solo, duet, apd quartet work. 69 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Paper. Price 30 cents a copy; 5 or more, 25 cents each. Pinebrook Melodies Compiled by Ruth D. Crawford and Percy B. Crawford Mr. Crawford writes: “ The' songs compiled in.this book have been the heart of our Pinebrook Bible Confer­ ence, situated near East Strofidsburg in the Poeono Mountains of Pennsyl­ vania. Each year some 50,000 people visit this . . . conference for young people.” The 181 songs and choruses in the book w ill lead one-in love for the Lord Jesus Christ and expression of heartfelt praise to Him. 181 pages. Wm., B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Paper. Price 35 cents. Paula By Eva Lecomte This story of a young Waldensian girl and her entrance into the family, life of heT French relatives is entranc­ ing. The European setting is so artis­ tically described, and the incidents so humanly told, that from the first page to' the last sentence the reader be­ comes a silent participant in all the activities of this interesting family of five young people. In Paula, the ex­ ample of practical Christian living for the young person of today is ex­ hibited. This book is interesting reading for the adult, and particularly adapted to the girl of junior high, ,or high s c h o o l age. 175 pages. Loizeaux Brothers, Pub., New York, N. Y. Paper, 60 cents: cloth, $1.00.

Sweet Songs of Salvation Is the' Title of. a New Sohg Booklet by Rev. George Bennard (author of “ The Old Rugged Cross” ) and Hannah A. Dahlstrom, Gospel solo­ ist and pianist. These new songs have .melodies that thrill you and words that inspire you. Great Messages in Song. Price 25cj?er copy, The Ben­ nard Music Company, Albion« Michigan. a QUESTION BOX [ Continued from Page 290} , ginal Hebrew “Elohiiri” (plural) 'which suggests three in one; consequently, we have the Father, the Son, arid the Holy Spirit operative: in the act- of c r e a t i o n . In John'. 1:3 we read: “ A ll things were made by him [Christ the Word; John 1:1]; and without him was not anything made that was made.” We note that this creative act was not confined to things of earth, nor even -to those visible to the hu­ man eye, those of the heavenly re­ gion, sun, moon, and stars; but it Includes those Invisible to our present human sight, invisible thrones, do­ minions; principalities, heaven and the inhabitants thereof. In ’ the .last three words of verse" 16, we discover God’s purpose, or goal, In creating: the glorification of our Saviour,- the Lord Jesus Christ. He not only was pre-eminent as Creator, but also as the One to be glorified by it and in it. Verse 17 presents the pre-existence of Christ, and is linked to verse 15 in which He is said to be the “ image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature.” We are reminded of the words in John 1:18, “the only be­ gotten Son, which is, in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” The Eternal Son of God, existing with the Father from the. beginning, later came to earth as the Image of God in the flesh. Read Hebrews 1:3. • 2. As Sustaining Power (v, 17). In the last part of this verse are these words, “ and by hirn all things con­ sist.” Christ is the One who sustains the universe, and by His power all of the creation is held in place. 3. As Head of the B o d y (v. 18). Christ, as head of the body of be­ lievers, the church, Is the leader, the director, the One who controls. Since the body consists of i n d i v i d u a l “ saints” (v. 2), it is in the life of the individual that Christ is pre-eminent. The fact remains, then, that if the pro­ fessed believer has made Christ pre­ eminent in his heart and life, he is a true member of Christ’s body. If he has not placed himself under the con­ trol and leadership of the Head of the body, it would seem that the pro­ fessing one is not ,a member of that body. This test may be applied with profit to the individual who professes to be a s a v e d one, a member of Christ’s body of called-out ones. Read Romans 1:1 and 2 Corinthians 6:17.

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