King's Business - 1943-08

August 1943


Around the King's Table LOUIS T. TALBOT, Editor-in-Chief

of God had moved the h e a r t s of strong, hard men. “ For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any-man should boast” (Eph. 2:8, 9). Good News from Palestine In a news letter from the American Gospel Church in Jerusalem, Pales­ tine, there' Is this encouraging com­ ment: “ I want to commend the Jeru­ salem church for its spirit of evan­ gelism and missionary vision that it is gaining. Greatly to my de­ light, the Church Board voted at one o f their recent meetings to re­ lease the native preacher one Sun­ day each month in order that he might visit the abandoned outsta- tion at Beersheba at their expense. Praise the Lord for this vision; i t ' must be the herald of more bless­ ings. To promote this, though I am already heavily overburdened with work, I have consented to conduct a weekly Bible class in Arabic in a different home each week, and now the Board is ask­ ing me to be the speaker at the first Sunday of the month, or the Arabic communion service . . Thus the Lord has been work­ ing throughout the field in these challenging days of war. Souls tye awakening to their need and crying out to the Lord, therefore you in the homeland and We on the field must prayerfully be giv­ ing to them the soul-saving Word.” Studying with Profit The study of the Bible always brings rich returns. For those who have found it possible, this year, to spend six weeks in systematic s t u d y at Biola’s sixth annual summer school, it is proving indeed a profitable ex­ perience. [Continued on Page 318]

Have We Forgotten Something? J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, be­ lieves America has forgotten something —a matter of tremendous importance. “In our struggle to defeat our enemies, . . . on the battle fronts,’’ he points out in an article in the A m e r i c a n Magazine for July, “ there has been an increasing tendency to forget our duty to the youngsters of our land. We have given them less attention and un­ derstanding, less discipline, guid­ ance, and care.” These statements might be merely the admission of an unfortunate oc­ currence caused by the demands of war, were the results less appalling and far-reaching. Mr. Hoover states facts: “ Records show a 55 per cent in­ crease in arrests of girls under 21 years, in 1942, as compared with 1941. Arrests of girls for drunken­ ness increased 40 per cent; for disorderly conduct, nearly 70 per cent; for prostitution and com­ mercialized vice, 64 per cent; for other sex offenses, 104 per cent; and for vagrancy ( w h i c h often veils a more serious offense), 124 per cent. “The increases were greatest among girls 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. But even among girls under 15 years of age, there was an in­ crease of more than 49 per cent. . . . The crime record among boys Is almost as alarming as t h a t among girls. And, as records for 1943 begin to come in, it appears that arrests for all youngsters will continue to increase.” “Every new case that comes to my desk adds to the overwhelm­ ing evidence that when y o u t h commits crime, a greater crime has ajready been committed in the home by failure to instill . . , fundamentals . . . You will find, more often than not, 'some adult has failed, some parent has disre­ garded the responsibility of par­ enthood, or some city fathers have forgotten their community’s gen­ eral welfare. Knowledge has been taught without ideals. Traditions that have been proved by time have often given way to cynicism. Freedom of expression without dig- Where is the source for this failure? The head of the F. B. I. ought to know, and he says it is in the home:

cipline has resulted from the atti­ tude that discipline develops com­ plexes and retards self-expression. We have forgotten that the prisons are inhabited primarily by people who learned self-expression but not self-disciplirie.” We have, indeed, “forgotten some­ thing.” And Christian people have been perhaps the most neglectful of all, for they know, as men and women of the world could not be expected to realize, that Christ alone presents the solution of all today’s problems. American youth needs Christ! H Touches the Heart From a m e m b e r of the Medical Corps at work in a large camp in the South comes this revealing incident. Can you who read about it feel again that first warm glow that touched your own life when you received the, Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour? If you can, you w ill understand! The writer explains: “Two of my soldier patients just came in and asked for Gideon Tes­ taments. I gave them the Testa­ ments, then added, 'These Books will do you no good unless you let the Lord Jesus Christ save you.’ Within five-minutes, both soldiers had taken Him as Saviour, had told Him so in prayer, and had signed their names to the decision card and dated it with their new birthday. “One soldier looked at the other. 'It made you cry too, didn’t it?’ he Said.” A sense of the overwhelming grace

INSTITUTEPRESIDENTINRADIOBROADCAST Through the facilities of the California Don Lee Mutual chain, a verse-by-verse study of the Bible is given daily by the President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Louis T. Talbot. It is the plan to extend this radio ministry to Oregon and Washington as soon as finances permit. DIAL NEAREST STATION Monday through Friday, 11:00 to 11:30 A . M.

Los Angeles ......................................KHJ El Centro------------------------.....KXO Santa Ana ........................K Y O E San Bernardino ...... KFXM Santa Barbara ....................... KDB Bakersfield ........._......................KPMC San Luis Obispo________...____ ____KYEC San Francisco .............

San Diego _____ ..........__ ....._______KGB Fresno ------ ......___ ____________....KTKC Monterey ...._..........„..................KDON Merced ....----- KYOS Marysville ....KMYC Chico — ------------ ...KHSL Redding ........______________________KVCV ----------------------- KFRC

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