T H B K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
or’s conferences” have been called in our leading cities. The law enforce ment agencies of the nation have called for action. Curfew hours have been imposed in some industrial areas. But crime and immorality among juveniles continue on the in crease. It is quite plain that nothing funda mental has yet been done to deal with this problem. The right and. righteous direction of youth depends upon the proper functioning of three agencies in our civilization: the home, the church, and the school. War-time conditions create new stresses and strains, new temptations besetting youth, and if delinquency is not to attain epidemic proportions, there must be a program for reinforcing and strengthening the influences upon youth which make for character and good citizenship. • The maintenance of the “ home front” should rank in importance with the. recruiting of an army and the building of ships and guns as an “essential war task.” Certainly, the home should be given adequate con sideration in the allocation of man power and woman-power. If young men are drafted into the army, and workers are “frozen” in the factories and on the farms, then mothers should be “ frozen” in the homes of the nation. In time of War, each individual should serve in that capacity which he is best qualified to occupy. If a mother does not rear her own chil dren, some one else must undertake the task. But no one else is as well qualified. The reformatories and jails are poor substitutes for mothers’ care and attention. Of course, it is conceivable that a condition might arise in which even mothers would need to be subjected to some sort of draft for work outside the home. But assuredly that tithe has not yet come. As long as there are single women and married women without children to assume the fac tory posts, the policy might well bo followed of keeping mothers where they can render the greatest service to God and country: in their own homes, rearing their own children. REINFORCING THE SCHOOL IN TIME OF WAR: • The intellectual and spiritual di rection of youth is the joint under taking of home, thurch, and school. With many fathers called aw a y . to war jobs and army posts, the school must take over some of the functions which rightfully belong to the home. [ Continued on Page 317]- REINFORCING THE HOME IN TIME OF WAR:
Significance bf the News By DAN GILBERT San Dieg. 0 , Calif. ,
future of archaeological Biblical re search.” As Rommel’s forces moved toward Egypt last summer there was grave fear that the areas of Trans-Jordan and Jerusalem would be invaded. It is in these areas that archaeologists are, Dr. Steinmueller believes, on the very eve of making the most impor tant contributions to the confirming of Scriptural truth which have been achieved in all history. One can imagine the Satanic glee with which the anti-God masters of the Nazi re gimp contemplated the disruption of the excavations which are unearthing so much new evidence of the truth of the Old Testament. Dr. Steinmueller comments: “The world can
• Military observers have called the Allied victory in Africa “ one of the most remarkable triumphs in the his tory of warfare.” The entire Axis army was killed or captured. The most optimistic of American military ana lysts had not expected that the vic tory would cbme so soon or so sweep- ingly. An interesting comment on what happened in Africa has been supplied by^John E. Steinmueller, whose spe cial interest is archaeology. He points out that the invasion of Africa by the Axis forces was- more than a threat to the British Empire and to South America. It was also a menace to “ the
now rejoice that the scene of bat tle h a s shifted from Africa. Bib lical archaeolo gical r e s ea r ch w ill not now be destroyed by the r u t hlessness of m o d e r n wa r . Can you imagine w h a t w o u l d have h a ppened jto t h e ancient " rui ns of cities which, at present lie u n d e r the protective blan ket of a few feet of desert sand, if modern ‘b l o c k busters’ by the hundreds h a d dropped in their midst?” Archaeologists can now go on, u n m o lested in their important woTk of confirm ing and clarify ing the truth of Gcrd. THE CAUSE AND CURE OF JUVENILE DE- LINQUENCY: • At last, thp nation h a s be come thoroughly aroused over the r i s i n g rate of j u v enile delin quency. “May
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