Srila Prabhupada On Mayapur

12/4/76 BOMBAY – MORNING WALK And we have asked government to give us 350 acres of land in Mäyä- pur to construct Vedic Planetarium, 350 feet high. It will require eight crores of rupees minimum. I shall exhibit there all the planetary sys- tem, bhurloka, Goloka... 15/6/76 DETROIT – CONVERSATION in ÇRÉLA PRABHUPÄDA’S ROOM Prabhupäda: Now you all together make this Vedic Planetarium very nice, so that people will come and see. From the description of the Çrémad-Bhägavatam, you prepare this Vedic Planetarium. How do you like this idea, Vedic Planetarium? Ambaréña: It seems like a very nice idea. Prabhupäda : You also like? So finance this project.

(laughter) Vedic Planetarium. Ambaréña: Where will this be? Prabhupäda: Mäyäpur. My idea is to attract people of the whole world to Mäyäpur.

27/4/76 AUCKLAND – BHAKTI SVARÜPA DÄMODARA MAHÄRÄJA Please accept my blessings. Now our Ph.D’s must collaborate and study the 5th Canto to make a model for building the Vedic Planetarium. My final decision is that the universe is just like a tree, with root upwards.


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