Srila Prabhupada On Mayapur

-- S rila P rabhupada on M ayapur --

25/4/72 TOKYO – MÄDHAVÄNANDA DÄSA I am very much engladdened to hear that you are arranging nice en- gagements in Calcutta, especially in the schools. This is a very impor- tant program, so do it nicely. So far the report of other things, it is all very good news. Especially you may try for wholesale book distribut- ing through Rupa and Co., and you may inform them that yesterday 1,500 3-volume sets, or 4,500 books, of paperback-size Kåñëa Books were dispatched to Bombay from here, and that in the near future many more books are to be shipped to India, so there will be always regular supply. All money collected from these books can be used in building there in India, you have not got to pay for them, so try to increase sales in this way and practically you can finance Mäyäpur in this way. 28/8/71 LONDON – JAYAPATÄKÄ MAHÄRÄJA There will be many discrepancies in the trial balance if books are not kept properly. Trial balance means to test how the accounts are kept scientifically. So if the accounts are not kept properly but haphazardly there will never be a correct trial balance. To present a correct trial balance means to correct the whole past accounting system. 30/7/72 AMSTERDAM – JAYAPATÄKÄ MAHÄRÄJA But your form of requesting has not been as we had arranged, there- fore there has been delay. I told you at least two must sign, but in the last request from Bhavänanda, even he did not sign, the letter was not even signed by one person. Try to be very careful in these matters at all times, we are doing very responsible work. And so for the mainte- nance, Calcutta is taking care, so there is no problem. I do not wish to send more funds from here, but we shall send you free of charge many books and the whole money collected for them may be spent in building.

26/8/72 LOS ANGELES – MADHUSUDANA DÄSA The Maidan programmes in India should be done in consultation with


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