AAA#: 20989430 Tattoo: 4589 Birthdate: 3/27/24 368
Ellingson Robust 4589 Sitz Robust 717H
Sitz Stellar 726D Sitz Ellunas Elite 139Z Ellingson Fundamental EA Miss Blackbird 5054
EA Miss Blackbird 1033
HP: + 13.5 CEM: + 9 $M: + 66 BW: 85 205 WT: 780 WN Ratio: 98 Nursing Ratio: 2 / 93 BW: +2.3 WW: + 73 YW: + 137 M: + 29 MB: + .18 RE: + .71
CLAW: +.33 ANGLE: +.35
Ellingson Robust 4589’s mother by Ellingson Fundamen- tal is a maternal sister to Ellingson Bold and Ellingson Turn Key 0170. She comes from a strong flush of seven sisters that are all feminine, easy keeping and have pic- ture-perfect udders. All seven are due to have first-service A.I. calves by the same sire this spring, which illustrates our commitment to producing bulls that are predictably uniform for our commercial customers. Lot 368’s maternal brother is working for Dwight Kitzan. Ellingson Verified 3922 Ellingson Verified Ellingson Authorize 7057 EA Rosetta 1127 Ellingson Roughrider 4202 EA Blackbird Revella 5004 EA Blackbird Revella 9116 HP: + 14.3 CEM: + 12 $M: + 79 BW: 78 205 WT: 752 WN Ratio: 110 Nursing Ratio: 2 / 107 BW: +0.8 WW: + 69 YW: + 119 M: + 29 MB: + .34 RE: + .12
Ellingson Verified, the sire of Lot 369.
AAA#: 20744466 Tattoo: 3922 Birthdate: 8/29/23 369
CLAW: +.44 ANGLE: +.37
Ellingson Verified 3922 has a strong performance resume, garnering weaning and yearling weight ratios of 110 and 107, respectively. That should lend kindly to siring progeny with a performance edge. His maternal brother is working for Clair, Sue, Cole and Amy Gullickson.
Ellingson Roughrider 4202, the maternal grandsire of Lot 369.
AAA#: 20745745 Tattoo: 3832 Birthdate: 8/8/23 370
Ellingson Thedford 3832 Hoffman Thedford
Bar R Jet Black 5063 HA Rito Lady 3839 Ellingson Forage Converter EA Belle 8136
EA Belle 0850
HP: + 16.6 CEM: + 13 $M: + 96 BW: 80 205 WT: 770 WN Ratio: 113 Nursing Ratio: 2 / 106 BW: +0.2 WW: + 79 YW: + 134 M: + 28 MB: + .40 RE: + 1.09
CLAW: +.38 ANGLE: +.27
Rounding out the 2025 edition of the Ellingson An- gus Real-World Genetics Production Sale offering is a power-packed individual that you will appreciate if you are in the market for a stockman’s kind of bull. Ellingson Thedford 3832 captured impressive weaning and yearling weight ratios of 113 and 109, respectively. His impressive ribeye area is easy to visually confirm upon viewing him in person.
Ellingson Forage Converter, the maternal grandsire of Lot 370.
2025 Ellingson Angus Real-World Genetics Production Sale Catalog
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