Ellingson Angus - Annual Angus Bull & Female Sale [2/1/25]

We’re excited to include, for the first time, a registered bred heifer division in our sale. This select group opens the gates for you to purchase bred females from the heart of our cowherd that represent our freshest genetics. This is a consistent group of females that are feminine, deep bodied and structurally correct. A majority of the heifers performed at or above the contemporary average and are out of dams with impressive nursing ratios. In other words, you can be confident you are buying some of our best. These females are all Bangs vaccinated. At ultrasounding time, they received Cattlemaster and Spirovac and were poured with Ivermax. They have since been poured with CleanUp in December. They will be confirmed bred by Dr. Pat Bierman ahead of sale day.

Ellingson Stetson, registered bred heifer service sire.

Ellingson Reckoning, registered bred heifer service sire.

Ellingson Badlands 0285, his and his sons’ service sells.

Bear Mtn Pilot 1520, his sons’ service sells.

S Powerpoint WS 5503, his sons’ service sells.


2025 Ellingson Angus Real-World Genetics Production Sale Catalog

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